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Crohn's Disease Forum

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  1. R

    Have you had your fecal calprotectin or CRP levels tested?

    My CRP always seems to be normal... it hit the heady heights of 6 a couple of weeks ago and a calprotectin done on the same day came back >6000 :-0
  2. R


    Hi Jill, It's a bit complicated as I also have a gastric bypass - the first GP I saw after the runs started decided to tell me that it was because I had a shorter small intestine, even though everything has been fine for the previous 3 years. I'd been having bleeding off and on for the last...
  3. R


    Hi everyone, I'm in the process of being poked and prodded to find out whether I have IBD. The last two months I've been running for the loo anywhere between 2 and 20 times a day (and night) and my GP has arranged for me to have a colonoscopy in a few weeks time. My dad has UC and my aunt has...