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Crohn's Disease Forum

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  1. parisnicole

    Can anyone give me advice PLEASE :-)

    Thanks for the replies! Definatly time for a new doctor, im going back to my old doctor at a clinic that is meant for younger people (I thought the cut off age was 23 but its 25), when I was seeing a doctor there she was FANTASTIC and went beyond her duties to help me out, so im organising an...
  2. parisnicole

    Can anyone give me advice PLEASE :-)

    Thanks for everyone's replies :-) My CT scan came back clear, although when I was peaking at the screen it said they accidently came across something that was benign? .. but he didn't even metion that to me. He said it's IBS and I need to get over it. I told him that i'm in constant pain and im...
  3. parisnicole

    Can anyone give me advice PLEASE :-)

    Just a little update :-) I had the test, had to drink ALOT of the barium drink, that wasn't pleasant, and got injected with the dye which was a weird feeling. Results aren't back yet, there taking a LONG time to get back, considering most are back within a day. But i've started loosing weight...
  4. parisnicole

    Can anyone give me advice PLEASE :-)

    Thanks guys for the advice :-) Got slotted in with a different doctor today and basically told him to give me a referal for a CT scan, which i'll be getting on wednesday, and will be having the results sent to GI doctor instead (after I give them a call of course). The doctor though, laughed at...
  5. parisnicole

    Can anyone give me advice PLEASE :-)

    Thanks Joan :-) My doctor was lovely when she "thought" she knew what was wrong with me, and was ordering every test known to man, but now she has put me in the, what I call, too hard basket and EVERYTHING I bring up with her is now "mental".. that being a constant headache for 4 weeks and...
  6. parisnicole

    Can anyone give me advice PLEASE :-)

    Thanks for your reply Dexky :-) I was seeing a GI doctor, but because of insurance, I had to go to a different clinic to get the testing done, but he was the one that said about the inflammation being a bit indicator. Ive got my lovely mum on my back about seeing him again, and i'm pretty sure I...
  7. parisnicole

    Can anyone give me advice PLEASE :-)

    Hi, unsure if i've posted in the right spot (im new here) I haven't YET been diagnosed with anything in particular, but i'd like a little advice. Since Jan of this year i've had constant diareah, stomach pains, bloating to the point I look 9 months pregnant, passing undigested food, nausea, no...