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Crohn's Disease Forum

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  1. C

    A bit nervous

    So I am in the ward now, I was completely knocked out during the whole thing. I dont have crohn's or uc but they have taken biopsies as they found gastritis and something else that I can't read! So I have to wait 2 weeks to talk to the dr to see what is going on. Am a bit disappointed as now...
  2. C

    A bit nervous

    It's not so much the taste, it's the slightly dense texture that's bothering me the most! And the toilet stops are so annoying, but thank goodness I haven't had pain or burning... So I feel pretty lucky. Just a bit nervous about the actual proceedure. I'm allergic to the plastic bit of the drip...
  3. C

    A bit nervous

    Not yet, it's 7am here and just about to start my 2nd round of prep... My procedure isn't till 3.30pm so it's a wee while away! But just to make life fun I have the worst cold!
  4. C

    A bit nervous

    Sorry, pressed the wrong button... But I'm on the train now and will let you know how it goes :)
  5. C

    A bit nervous

    Hi guys, Thanks so much for the support, I really appreciate it! I have managed the day off work, and i only had a light brekky this morning. I have got down 1.5L of Klean-Prep, so we're
  6. C

    A bit nervous

    Hi Peeps of all experience levels! I have been sick for the past 6 years and have had all sorts of things done (including surgery) to get me better... However I am still having days where I just throw up for no reason, go to the toilet in excess of 10 times.. I just recently saw a Locum Dr who...