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Crohn's Disease Forum

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  1. Renee77

    Pregnancy & Steroid questions

    Thank you for your input. I saw my GI today and my belly was all swollen, tender. I'm in a ton of pain. she requested a stool sample (I'm going every 2 hours) then plans on doing a sigmoidoscopy. I'm SO scared about this with the risks of the scope/procedure. I've had this done in the past and...
  2. Renee77

    Pregnancy & Steroid questions

    I hope this goes through. I found it a little tricky to figure out how to post? Anyways, I am new here. I was never officially diagnosed with crons though my GI doc treats me as such (my dad has crons, I fit all of the criteria). In addition, I have severe migraines (about 20/month) for the past...
  3. Renee77

    New Diagnosis :(

    I have been battling what has been over a year of hell! It wasn't until just 2 weeks ago after I had the camera/capsule pill test that it was confirmed that I have a mild case of Crohn's with ulcerations throughout the bowel and intestine. I have a very unique story. I also have had chronic...