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  1. Cross-stitch gal

    Weather or Not ?

    Anymore majority of TV is mainly dark stuff or obnoxious. So, husband and I don't watch it much and usually go for our own stuff. Things have been pretty stressful and busy around here work wise. Thankfully today is my Friday! Snow scare has been happening around here, although we had some...
  2. Cross-stitch gal

    Weather or Not ?

    Did my injection yesterday with the increased dose. As usual ended up tired and a bit lazy, but had some chores to do so powered through those couple of things. A little better today. Beautiful, but chilly 44 degrees today...
  3. Cross-stitch gal

    Weather or Not ?

    Not sure either what's going on. But, when searching for the other one I found this one. So, finally figured that I'd post yesterday to see if we could get started again even if I don't always get the chance to post.
  4. Cross-stitch gal

    Weather or Not ?

    I guess our other thread is gone! :cry: Maybe we can use this one and talk on here. Miss you guys... It's pretty wet and rainy today for us, but at least today is our Monday. Other than hopefully my husband won't be working much outside today, it will be an inside day/night for us.
  5. Cross-stitch gal

    What happened to David and many of the old members?

    I admit that I went away for a bit, partly cause I wasn't doing too bad. But, when I was told that my Colitis was actually Crohn's and that I was going on biologics I started looking around again. I was very thankful to hook up with scottsma again and others too. Just being able to be back...
  6. Cross-stitch gal

    Biologics wearing off

    Thank you everyone! My symptoms thankfully haven't included the pain so far. It has been the constant feeling of having to make runs for the bathroom along with a couple of accidents. While I was at work on my Friday, I just didn't feel good at all although having a hard time actually...
  7. Cross-stitch gal

    Biologics wearing off

    Ever since I started on Skyrizi I've noticed that this drug seems to wear off between doses. Yesterday I was looking around and saw something about that about 60% of patients have that happen with biologics. Have any of you seen that happen to you? I still have 2 weeks before I can do my next...
  8. Cross-stitch gal

    Disposing Ice Packs

    Yup, we were with my folks yesterday to celebrate my Mom's birthday today. She said that she'll take some of my ice packs, just not too many of them please!!! 🤣 So, I guess we'll be saving a few for them now....
  9. Cross-stitch gal

    Disposing Ice Packs

    Thanks for your reply! Yes, we kept my first ones that came last time, but just didn't know what to do with these that came yesterday. I also asked the pharmacy at my work and they pretty much said the same thing as you did. Seems a shame to just throw them in the garbage, but no need to have...
  10. Cross-stitch gal

    Disposing Ice Packs

    How do you dispose your ice packs for medication? Every 8 weeks or less now I'll be receiving my dose of Skyrizi at home now with these ice packs. I have no idea what to do with all of these!!! We're keeping my first couple, but am not sure what to do with the rest I'll be getting. Any ideas...
  11. Cross-stitch gal

    I’m starting my first infusion / treatment this Saturday August 31st!!!

    My infusions actually went really fast. I think if I remember right, two of my infusions I might have been on my own and one I was in with a few others. I brought a book, once or twice I was able to read a little. But, the nurses kept coming in to check on me to make sure all was good so I...
  12. Cross-stitch gal

    Skyrizi & pain

    No none of those. Stomach looks back to normal and the poke site is gone. Just wondering if it just might take a few days to fully get used to a different place maybe...
  13. Cross-stitch gal

    Skyrizi & pain

    Thursday 8/8 I had my first Skyrizi injection in my right abdomen. All is well and things seem to be fine with the new dose!!! But, I noticed that a couple days later I still have occasional phantom pain where I had the injection. The pain isn't sharp, just a little bothering. Have any of...
  14. Cross-stitch gal


    Yeah, it's still a bit strange sometimes only taking vitamins. I could probably take them in all at one time. However, it's a bit easier on my stomach taking them in two different doses. Please keep us updated on how you're doing!
  15. Cross-stitch gal


    I started Skyrizi in May and will have my first injection training on August 8th. I'd been on Sulfasalazine for years and stopped it with my first infusion. Needless to say, the only medication I've been on is Skyrizi since May and have done just fine with it!!! In fact, I'm actually doing...
  16. Cross-stitch gal

    2 Hour Injection

    Thank you!!! I sure hope so too! First shipment along with the OBI is to be delivered on Tuesday 7/23, a little early for my first injection. But, at least this will mean that I will have it ready!
  17. Cross-stitch gal

    2 Hour Injection

    Thanks for the info!! The thing I've noticed is that for the most part, symptoms have pretty much gone away. Only time they really show is once a month. Hopefully all will stay when the strength is changed...
  18. Cross-stitch gal

    2 Hour Injection

    My 3rd and last infusion was this last Thursday morning July 11th. Much to my surprise on Friday, the GI sent a request to my insurance for acceptance of the injections and was approved the same day!!! I believe that I'll be getting another message from the doctor tomorrow letting me know...
  19. Cross-stitch gal

    Colds with Skyrizi

    I got my first cold with Skyrizi and my third and last infusion is this coming Thursday July 7th. Wasn't terribly happy to come down with this and now I got my husband sick as well. Not sure what this stuff is. Started with a very sore throat, feeling weak and not being able to breathe...
  20. Cross-stitch gal

    Skyrizi & Blood

    We found out that a big part of the problem is that I can't tolerate: Red #40 color in my drinks. We happened to be drinking fruit punch crystal light regularly and this was in the mix. Once we stopped drinking it I got better! There have been a time or two that I have had accidents, but...