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Crohn's Disease Forum

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  1. M

    Is Crohn's Disease related to Chronic Fatigue Syndrome?

    Hey all, I was diagnosed with Crohn's disease about a year ago. Since then, my GI started me on Humira and i haven't had any issues since last month. I had to go to the ER for excruiating pain in my abdomen. I later found out that i probably just had a transiet blockage. It cleared up on its...
  2. M

    Obstruction leading to surgery?

    darn, i wanna say that my GI doc said i had some scar tissue building up from my original CT. My intestines were so inflammed that he couldn't even get past it with a pediatric scope during my colonoscopy. :( Thank you for your help!
  3. M

    Obstruction leading to surgery?

    Also, do blockages go away? Or am i just basically waiting for it to turn into a full blockage?
  4. M

    Obstruction leading to surgery?

    January because my huband will definitely be home then. I know i shouldn't wait, i guess i'll contact my family and see if someone could come out just in case. I Still have to schedule my CT scan. Hopefully they'll schedule it soon!
  5. M

    Obstruction leading to surgery?

    Well, I had all those symptoms of the worst flu, minus the vomitting. I was extrememly nauscous (sp?) though. I had a small amount of diarrhea (sorry) and then from 4am sunday to about the end of the day tuesday, i didn't have a bm at all. My stomach was distended which my GI told me was...
  6. M

    Obstruction leading to surgery?

    Thanks a bunch for the info! So do partial blockages go away and just come back? or are there and you're just waiting for it to turn into a full? I'm on Humera every 15 days, which seemed to help with my symptoms until now of course. i'm eating everything i should/shouldn't be, so i really don't...
  7. M

    Obstruction leading to surgery?

    Hey all! I just recently had a horrible trip to the ER, with what they told me was just a crohn's flare. I talked to my GI and he told me that i had some kind of blockage. I am not sure what kind (i can't remember). But i had every sypmtom of a blockage, but eventually went away. My GI told me...
  8. M

    Please help!

    I'm on Humira. I've been on it for about 3 months. When i get really stressed out, i have a flare up. I woudl think that the medication would work for it all. i just feel like it's not really doing anything. oh i'm also on mesalime (sp?) it's getting really frustrating. Thanks for the advice though!
  9. M

    Please help!

    So i'm new to the whole crohn's disease. i was just diagnosed in october. my doctor told me that i need to be aware that i could possibly have a bowel obstruction because my crohn's was so bad. he told me some of the symptoms, but i just dont' know if this is what is going on with me. Please...
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    New To It All

    The way my husband reacts, he just doesn't seem to care about it. Like it's "no big deal." He makes me feel like i just need to get over it or something, but i don't think he really understands just how down i am about it. I try talking to him about it, but i just feel like he's not listening...
  11. M

    New To It All

    Hello all, I just joined the forum today. I'm so glad there is such support out there for Crohn's, because i really feel like i don't get any. I was just recently diagnosed with crohn's back in october 2011. I was pregnant with my 3rd baby and i was in such excruciating pain that i thought i...
  12. M

    My Story

    Hello all, I just joined the forum today. I'm so glad there is such support out there for Crohn's, because i really feel like i don't get any. I was just recently diagnosed with crohn's back in october 2011. I was pregnant with my 3rd baby and i was in such excruciating pain that i thought i...