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Crohn's Disease Forum

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  1. K

    Should I see Rheumatologist?

    So, gastro says mabe Crohns, maybe not....started me on sulfasalazine 3000mg a day, and says he will re-scope in 60 days. I have been on it for 4 days, only been taking 1000mg a day, and just moved to 2000mg a day today. I loved the gastro I saw, but of course he didnt seem extremely...
  2. K

    1st apt with GI today left me hopeful

    I have only been on here for a few days, and I already can "feel the love" Its just so great with all of todays technology to be able to get advice, and support from people who understand exactly what your going through. PArt of me hates to "get my hopes up" that its not crohns...but, for now...
  3. K

    1st apt with GI today left me hopeful

    Hi Pen, thanks... Yes I stopped the Aleve as soon as the bleeding started...I have b=had bowel issues my entire life, I had an episode of alot of bleeding one other time when I was like 22, im 40 now. I know I still have a probably fairly strong chance of having crohns, bt at least there is...
  4. K

    1st apt with GI today left me hopeful local Dr.s told me "You have Crohns"....after a scope showed severe ulcerations, and my permethius labs came back positive for Crohns they said...and said I needed to see a gastroenterologist....So we decided to go to Barnes Hosp in St Louis....He said...after reviewing everything, an...
  5. K

    Newly diagnosed

    Just got the news 4 days ago that I have crohns, normally I would have been more upset about this diagnosis, but they also ran a test for carcinoid cancer, due to the fact I have been experiencing severe flushing( face/whites of eyes, arms and chest become blood red) and VERY rapid heartrate up...