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Crohn's Disease Forum

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  1. S

    Parent, new to this - how do you cope?

    Thank you so much for sharing your stories. It really helps not to feel so alone with this. Just knowing others have been there and are still going through this. My son was on acne meds just as this broke out (doxycycline) and I did find a paper potentially linking the two. Tess - your post...
  2. S

    MRI - What to expect

    The positioning of the feeding tube for the MRE (an MRI using feeding tube straight into small bowel and also dye injection) required the x-rays using something called a fluoroscope I believe to get the tube in the right place.
  3. S

    MRI - What to expect

    My 16 yr old son just had one of his small colon. They called it an MRE - he had to have a tube up his nose and positioned using a fluorascope (?)...wasn't very pleased when I heard this as they had said he would actually be drinking something in the letter. The fluoroscope means they were...
  4. S

    Parent, new to this - how do you cope?

    Finding everything so confusing! How do you plan anything?
  5. S

    Parent, new to this - how do you cope?

    The doctors/ dietician here told my son there is no special diet for Crohn's & that he can eat anything. Now I am learning by reading that although there is no set diet, so many foods can be trigger foods. We have been given no guidance how to determine what is a trigger. The book I have by...
  6. S

    Parent, new to this - how do you cope?

    Thanks so much for the hugs both of you. When he was admitted with the initial flare that had been going on 6-10 weeks, they did test his iron stores I believe as well as his vit B12, but I will ask about the others - thanks! he has been taking vit D3 with the first lot of steroids and again...
  7. S

    Parent, new to this - how do you cope?

    Thank you so much for replying, your post was really helpful and thank you so so much for those links. That last link is incredibly reassuring re the meds, I didn't know the statistics were that small for the cancers. I am very grateful. Also the fact that aziathoprine can take up to 4 months to...
  8. S

    Parent, new to this - how do you cope?

    It seems his Crohn's is mostly in the ileum? area - the bit where the small bowel joins the large, I mean. Occasional ulcers in other areas of his large bowel but not too bad. He's now on a different steroid which targets that area of the bowel along with the scary aziathoprine. I so hope...
  9. S

    Parent, new to this - how do you cope?

    Hi, I just can't stop crying. How do you come to terms with your child having this as a parent? And the scary meds? My 16 year old was suspected of Crohns back in October after fluctuating bowel movements he'd had for about 6 weeks, along with nightime cramps in his legs (from lack of...