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Crohn's Disease Forum

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  1. F

    Birth Options

    Hi everyone Thanks for all the comments and advice. I thought I would let everyone know the outcome of the pregnancy - my waters broke at 33 weeks and I went into labour. Because I am so used to lower back and lower abdominal pain, I thought little of it and I also just presumed increased...
  2. F

    Birth Options

    Thanks for the replies everyone. Your stories and advice have been really helpfull!
  3. F

    Birth Options

    Thanks for the comments, Misty. My Crohn's has moved around quite a bit, making it very hard to treat in the early days.......but it mostly affects my colon and ileum. I have had flare ups involving the rectum too - but luckily no fistulas. Am hoping to keep things that way!! :)
  4. F

    Birth Options

    Hi everyone I have Crohn's disease - had it for 7 years but have been in remission for the past two years (lucky me). I am 29 weeks pregnant and all going really well. I am getting nervous about the birth though.......I would love to hear other people's experiences with either natural or...