My daughter is almost 18 months old and is suspected to have Crohns disease. I am looking to see if anyone has advice for handling this disease in someone so small. She was referred to her GI about 6 months ago for failure to thrive. She currently weighs 19lbs. She has had multiple rounds of lab work, an abdominal ultrasound which showed a liver mass...after an MRI it was determined this is a hemangioma on the liver and not causing issues. Her latest blood work was positive for IBS indicating Crohns. Her recent endoscopy and colonoscopy shows esophagitis for which she started nexium also showed her to be lactose intolerant...which surprised the Dr because her main issue is consitpation....and aslo shows inflammation of the small bowel and intestinal mal absorbtion. Her Dr wants to do more tests before officially diagnosing her with Crohns so she is now scheduled for a CT of the abdomen and pelvis in 2 weeks......:frown: