I have gotten so much information on the forum in the short time I have been reading / posting, and everyone is so great! I hope some of you can offer me some advice.
After about 5years of diagnosis of IBS, then lactose intolerant, I ended up in the ER in March with divericulitis - they did a CT scan and it also showed Crohn's in the terminal ilium. Waiting to heal so they could do a scope, I had a small bowel obstruction that perforated & abscessed- 8 days in the hospital, no surgery in the hope the abscess would self absorb.
Finally got the scope and diagnosis of mild Crohn's in May. The GI I was referred to said (in May) that once the abscess was gone he would start me on 6mp or 5asa. June 6 they did another scan and the abscess was bigger so I had surgery - the GI said after surgery / healing he would start me on Remicade. So, had surgery on July 5 - removed abscess & small bowel resection. The surgery went well. The GI dr now says he will start me on Cimzia, and gave lab and xray orders.
I am really confused. I have done some research on the treatments, and don't understand why he wants to use biologics if I have mild Crohn's. I felt pretty comfortable with him until I realized that in 3 visits he has suggested 3 treatments, then on the last visit I asked some questions that I felt were legitimate, and felt like he blew me off - they were should I get my immunizations up to date before starting treatment (another dr said I should, because the treatment suppresses the immune system), he just kind of snorted (really!) and said if you do that, don't get any with live virus. He had prescribed an increase in my omeprozole, which I was already taking, but wouldn't refill the prescription - told me to see my primary care for that. I almost felt like he only cares about the Crohn's and not me as a person.
So, I am having second thoughts about him, mostly because of 3 treatment ideas in 3 visits, and finally wanting to use one that seems to be for moderate to severe C, when I have been diagnosed with mild.
I have never had severe diarrheaha that lasted more than a few days, never passed blood that I could see, and haven't had bad d for a couple of years. Any advice would be appreciated.
After about 5years of diagnosis of IBS, then lactose intolerant, I ended up in the ER in March with divericulitis - they did a CT scan and it also showed Crohn's in the terminal ilium. Waiting to heal so they could do a scope, I had a small bowel obstruction that perforated & abscessed- 8 days in the hospital, no surgery in the hope the abscess would self absorb.
Finally got the scope and diagnosis of mild Crohn's in May. The GI I was referred to said (in May) that once the abscess was gone he would start me on 6mp or 5asa. June 6 they did another scan and the abscess was bigger so I had surgery - the GI said after surgery / healing he would start me on Remicade. So, had surgery on July 5 - removed abscess & small bowel resection. The surgery went well. The GI dr now says he will start me on Cimzia, and gave lab and xray orders.
I am really confused. I have done some research on the treatments, and don't understand why he wants to use biologics if I have mild Crohn's. I felt pretty comfortable with him until I realized that in 3 visits he has suggested 3 treatments, then on the last visit I asked some questions that I felt were legitimate, and felt like he blew me off - they were should I get my immunizations up to date before starting treatment (another dr said I should, because the treatment suppresses the immune system), he just kind of snorted (really!) and said if you do that, don't get any with live virus. He had prescribed an increase in my omeprozole, which I was already taking, but wouldn't refill the prescription - told me to see my primary care for that. I almost felt like he only cares about the Crohn's and not me as a person.
So, I am having second thoughts about him, mostly because of 3 treatment ideas in 3 visits, and finally wanting to use one that seems to be for moderate to severe C, when I have been diagnosed with mild.
I have never had severe diarrheaha that lasted more than a few days, never passed blood that I could see, and haven't had bad d for a couple of years. Any advice would be appreciated.