I can relate to that article. I have always been the good little girl and to me anger is a feeling that I hardly know. They say we all have a main emotion, mine being "sadness". I don't get angry when I am upset, I get sad and I've pretty much always been that way. As if anger was not something my body/mind would really know what to do with. My first flare happened when I was a teenager, I had issues with my step sister, I was filled with anger but it was as if I could not canalized it out of my body. I've always thought it was the reason why I started being sick. My mother has crohn's too, so I do believe the genetic part truely plays a great part but I think that this emotional stress compound really can trigger the disease. After all, if someone can heal himself by the will and power of mind, I'm sure the opposite is possible. That being said, I don't know to which extent you can control or avoid these stresses and enter a state of mind that allows healing rather than destruction. Anyway, I'm pretty confident it's playing a good part as stress hormones and such get the digestive track permeable and hence incline to auto-immune diseases in general.