6mp and weight gain

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Apr 15, 2012
I am a newbie to the forum as well as to 6MP. I started this drug 2 weeks ago and have gained 8#. Is this a common occurrence? I just finished 6 weeks of Prednisone and pretty much maintained my weight.
Chances are the weight gain is from the prednisone. Not the 6mp. I have been on 6mp for almost 2 years and haven't personally experienced any weight gain since i got off the prednisone. This is not to say that u are not different than me but hay - weight gain is not always bad. :)
Hi Tricia and welcome to the forum. Would you say that the weight gain is "healthy weight" meaning you were malnourished previously due to Crohn's Disease and are starting to put back on weight? Or is it a weight gain that you would feel isn't healthy?
Hello Tricia. I'm also taking 6mp, and 25mg of pred. My GI said 6mp can take 3-6 months to start working, so it's probably the prednisone. :)
Thanks for your comments. This would be considered an unhealthy weight
gain. I guess it is probably a delayed result of the pred. I will stay on the 6MP and Asacol and give them a chance to work. I had a major flare 7 weeks ago, just finished all the meds and feeling like it is starting all over.
Welcome Tricia, I can't remember the side effects of 6mp but pred is notorious for weight gain so I guess thats a possible culprit. Your current flare up is probably due to finishing prednisone - its an awful drug but unfortunately very effective. At least it may help things stay undr control until one of the other meds starts having a positive effect. Good luck with it all,
Its ok to complain about anything, its all relevant - I'd like to REALLY complain about my weight- if i'm going to be so sick couldn't I be just a lttle bit skinny tooo? Please?