If you are on the birth control pill and having lots of D you may not absorb the pill which will increase your chances of getting pregnant. Someone had posted a question about the pill awhile back and I remembered reading something a long time ago and I realized that this tip would be perfect for use crohnies as we get D and have absorbtion issues. Since it bypasses the digestive tract, women dont have to worry about their CD affecting absorption. I found it on WebMD so its credible.
Feel free to look up the actual study involved.
Secret # 2: To reduce some side effects of birth control pills — including nausea — insert them vaginally.
“Inserting the Pill vaginally is not harmful,” says Steve Goldstein, MD, professor of obstetrics and gynecology at NYU Medical Center in New York City. “And,” he says, “it can be very effective, particularly if you are suffering with any nausea or vomiting for any reason, including from taking the Pill.”
This little known secret came to light thanks to an Israeli study published in the journal Contraception. Doctors compared two groups of women using the Pill. One group took the pill by mouth; the other inserted it into the vagina and let it dissolve. The result? The women who used the vaginal route had less nausea, vertigo, headache, breast tenderness, period pain, and stomach upsets than the ones who took the Pill orally.
Feel free to look up the actual study involved.