A month in cyber-time...

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Feb 19, 2010
... seems like years! Sorry to just disappear on you guys. For those of you who don’t know me, here are some ancient history threads about me:


Here’s where I am now:
6mp has stopped my d/bleeding, the blood thinner level is touchy but it’s checked every week so I’m not as worried about it now. If I could figure out how to combat this dang fatigue I’d be in business – hey, I might even feel human!

Anyway, Pen inspired me to change my avatar :D
Hey Sabrina is that you? Wow you are so young! I can't believe you are a Lucy fan at your age!.

I am happy you are back! The fatigue part could be lack of something in your system but wondering now, seems alot of Crohnies have fatigue long periods of time. Could be drug related, who really knows?

Don't you leave us ever again ok ;)
Yeah, that's me - or at least the one on the right is me :ytongue: The cute little puppy is my Charley-dog. My mom loves I Love Lucy so I got hooked at a very young age. :biggrin: I'm going on 28 but I'm in braces again so I look about 16...

My gp thinks the fatigue is from the 6mp (not anemic as of May, thyroid fine as of Dec, B12 fine as of Sept) and wants me to talk with my GI about changing to something else, but I'm really hesitant to do this because the 6mp works for all my gut-related Crohn's stuff (heck, the bloating/gas is even much better!).

I'll try to warn you if I'm ever thinking of going awol again so you can talk some sense into me :tongue:
Aww, thanks guys! (Kelly, you made me laugh... I wish I could reply with some witty quote but I've <whispering> never actually seen an episode...! )
I love Lucy too!! I am pretty sure I have seen every episode of I Love Lucy :D

I am glad Sabrina is back too! I love the new avatar! Everyone is changing theirs, but I haven't taken any good recent photos of myself. At least none that I don't look yucky in. That dang Entocort really messed up my skin and it's having a hard time readjusting itself even after being off of it for 2 weeks.

I'm glad the 6MP is working for you, minus the fatigue. Peaches had a similar story as yours with Imuran. Said it worked great for her, but made her feel super tired and "Crohnsie." I can't remember what she switched to - Remicade I think. What other meds have you tried Sabrina?
I just saw the candy factory one for like the bazillionth time a few weeks ago, and I laughed just as hard as when I saw it the first time!

At least none that I don't look yucky in. That dang Entocort really messed up my skin and it's having a hard time readjusting itself even after being off of it for 2 weeks.

Oh Marisa, that stinks! But it's amazing how much better pics look when the size/resolution is altered... :ycool: How's your fatigue been lately?

I haven't tried any meds "above" 6mp - when I was little the docs followed the "bottom up" approach. I was allergic to the 5-ASA group (I think it was the dipentum (sp?) that gave me a full-body rash), and since finding out that pred-then-6mp worked they didn't try anything else. When I flared last summer I told my GI that 6mp worked in the past, so he put me on it. He said if it didn't work he'd try metho next but that I wasn't a candidate for the biologics (he didn't say why and at that point I didn't ask because I was worried about so much other stuff). Don't know what his reasoning for that one was.

Right now I feel like if I wasn't so dang tired I'd have the energy to fight with getting my GI to call me back about what to do because I'm so dang tired!!! :runaway:
Welcome back!! I love the avatar...you and your dog are cutie pattooties!!! Glad to hear you're doing alright, minus the fatigue. Keep us in the loop :)
Hmm...well, maybe your doc thinks the biologics are for worst case scenarios, and since 6MP seems to be working just making you super tired I could see why maybe he wouldn't want to go for the biologics yet. But ya never know...maybe he'll change his mind ;)

My fatigue has been better. I think I was worn out from having family over and carting them around the city all day. Though this morning I had a hard time getting out of bed. But for the most part it doesn't last all day like I imagine yours probably does. I still get urges to clean the house and do all the laundry in the house. So, it can't be too bad, right? I do recall how tired I was before I knew I had Crohn's. I'd fall asleep trying to read my textbooks for class. Fatigue sucks. I really hope you can get it figured out. It can't feel very good to feel like a bum all the time, haha.
It can't feel very good to feel like a bum all the time, haha.

This made me laugh - pretty much once a day Geoff and I will have this conversation: Me: "I feel like a bum", Him: "Aw, you're not a bum!", Me: "But I feel like a bum!"

Glad your fatigue's letting up a bit - but just remember that housework can wait (I've tested this statement extensively and it's never let me down :wink:)
Yeah...my motto is always "the housework can wait" and then I end up in trouble, haha. Especially with 3 cats shedding all over the place! Hehe...

And your conversation sounds a lot like ones I've had with Alan lately ;) But mostly because I'm jobless right now and get super bored with all the free time during the day. Hopefully that will change soon!