Advice needed from a newbie

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Oct 5, 2014
Hi everyone, I've been going through the tests for Crohn's/ colitis since March. 2 colonoscopys later and not getting a real result for 8 weeks the closest thing I've had to a diagnosis is the surgeon saying during the procedure ah this looks like Crohn's and oh and some ulcers lower down here.

I usually am ridiculously tired all the time but have been on the steroid budesonide for the last month then given lansoprazole to relive some side effects.

My question is I have been really struggling to sleep for the last week or 2 now and yes this could be mainly due to the noises gas and pains but I can usually still sleep in the gaps between. Have been laying awake until gone 5 am then waking at 8. Any ideas??
Thanks in advance
Hi, sorry to hear that. Must be frustrating having the pains and symptoms but no clear diagnosis?

If you are struggling to get to sleep could it be down to thinking or stressing about what's happening? If so, there are a few things you could try:

1. set regular bedtime and waking time to help your body get back into a natural cycle

2. If you have to nap during the day, make it no longer than 30 minutes and try and do it before late afternoon. It'll be enough to recharge the batteries but not eat into your night time sleep

3. don't go to bed on full or empty stomache. Warm milky drink (if you can stand it) might help

4. Have a warm bath 1 and half hours before going to bed. It's not the increase in body temp that will make you tired, but the cooling down (forget why, but I found it interesting at the time I found it out)

5. If you're stressing about something, write it down. Psychologically your dealing with it so the brain stops being hyperactive

6. Don't read or watch tv/be on laptop in bed. Again, this stimulates the brain which associates being in bed with needing to be awake

7. If you're still awake after 20 mins, remove yourself from your bedroom. Go to another room and do something really boring (reading instructions or something), but do whatever it is in dim light (again so brain isn't stimulated) then go back to bed

8. Try deep breathing or muscle relaxation. Deep breathing will regain control of your heart (if your stressed/anxious it will have an increased rate). Slowing this, slows everything else down, making the body relax. PMR is good for sleep. You focus on different muscle groups, soing a clench and release motion. This releases endorphins and decreases tension

I have terrible sleep when I start, or am on high doses of steroids. It's a bit of a hassle. Don't expect you sleep pattern to change over night, it can takes weeks to get back to your normal pattern. Hope that is of some use to you
I have some experience working in a sleep clinic in the past and lilac is spot on. Excellent list!

If you're up for it, some physical activity at least 1.5 hours before bed could help tire you out and will contribute to that "cooling" effect which is indeed a trigger for falling asleep. Same goes for a cup of decaf tea if you're really up in the middle of the night. Just don't do anything too interesting while you're up - no screens or engrossing books. Keep it boring. :)

A good bedtime routine can be helpful. Don't fret trying to do too much, just pick a few things that help, be consistent, and rely on the fact that your body will probably straighten itself out before too long.

And personally, I find that an OTC Benadryl at bedtime seems to give me a more solid night's sleep if I've been sleeping lightly for a few nights. I don't do it often, but it is a tool I pull out now and again.
I tend to deal with things like this with meds, and don't mess around with half measures. I'm not really into doing things the natural way. When I couldn't sleep because of insomnia caused by prednisone, my doctor prescribed me Amitriptyline. I've found this also ensures I can sleep even when I've got a lot of physical discomfort. The only times it hasn't worked have been when I've been very ill after surgeries.

There's a support group thread about it here:
I use O.T.C Sleep-eeze from Boots or Nytol.
I buy the two a night but only take one.They work very well for me.

There are a lot worse things in life than insomnia,but tiredness just makes everything else seem unbearable.

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