Advice Needed...

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Jul 29, 2011
Last February found myself in the emergency room with symptoms rectal bleeding severe at times, passing large amounts of mucus, pressure constant urge to use the bathroom. After rectal exam and bloodwork (found nothing) I was referred to a doctor who suspects Crohns or Ulcer Colitis, then refered me to a GI doctor. Have a colonoscopy scheduled for October couldn't get anything sooner. I've been dealing with these issues for almost a year, I'm currently without insurance so suffered in silence before finally ending up in the ER. Year prior after ER visit for adominal pain and vomitting found a cyst in my colon after an MRI but was sent home being told unrelated. In addition to the above symptoms also having diarrhea, pencil-like stool, fatigue, and in total lost 30lbs. I'm only 29 years old doctor told me he doesn't suspect colon cancer, though it does run in my family. The last few days been debating going back to the ER as my symptoms are worse but seems like a waste of time I need answers.

Any advice much appreciated, thank you!
Mucus is a sign of inflammation. Bleeding is a sign of an open wound be it an ulcer, fissure, hemorrhoid etc. Pencil like stool and vomiting are a sign of a stricture/narrowing of the bowel. The pain can be related to all of the above. Those with IBD are at a greater risk of developing colon cancer and IBD does run in families as well. When I went to the ER with bleeding before my diagnosis they did all sorts of tests on me including the ones you had but also a barium swallow with x-rays, a barium enema with x-rays, an ultrasound, CT scan with and without contrast and an MRI. I'm surprised your hospital didn't do more tests. Is there another hospital in your area you could go to? Also, all those tests done weren't just when I was in the ER, I was admitted to the hospital because of the amount of blood loss. It sounds like you're also losing a lot of blood which could be one of the reasons why you're feeling fatigue. If your symptoms have gotten worse than I wouldn't hesitate going to the ER. Even though I've been diagnosed with Crohn's already I still go to the ER if I ever have any bleeding because doing so gets me a sooner appointment to see my GI and I can have tests done in the hospital and have them sent to my GI. Assuming you do go to the ER (which I think you should, having no insurance sucks but there are methods out there for payment, speak the the billing department as they know all the programs out there for your area) suggest having the tests done I listed above. I hope you get the help you need soon. Welcome to the forum.
Thank you so much for your reply. Beyond frustrated with this, forgot what it feels like to be 'normal' and been really depressed. Not sure if due to the lack of insurance but doesn't seem as if I'm getting much help diagnosing/treating this problem. Been out of work, have small kids and most days the fatigue is so bad simply getting out of bed is a task. Not to mention I live in the bathroom, every 1/2hr. The orignal MRI in 2010 was performed at a small local hospital. Then when I went February decided to try another much larger hospital where I thought I'd get help. They referred me to a doctor office, which is run by the hopital. My records are all at this last hospital figured I would go there, though I know of another hospital (teaching) I could try never been there. Want to go back to the ER but don't want it to be a waste of time again. What do I have to do to get them to take me seriously? Will mention those tests, not sure why they didn't perform any of these. Thanks again for all your help!
The other hospital can get your records easily. I've been to a teaching hospital to get my wisdom teeth out and they did a good job (the tech also let me sample the knock out meds in my IV before the doc came in to start the procedure, we had a good laugh and it was all hush hush when the doc came in :p). The procedures at teaching hospitals are preformed by professionals so you don't have to worry about some student messing things up. It may be worth a try or possibly call them up and state your case, maybe they might be willing to diagnose you to the end to inform their students of hard to diagnose illnesses. I'd contact them at least to see what they have to say.
Definetly sounds like IBD. I had all your symptoms before i was diagnosed, and probably everyone in this forum!
UPDATE: Ended up in the ER yesterday. Still no answers but on a positive note should be able to get in to see the GI within next couple weeks, need to call Monday. Also on prescription Cipro. Doctors again suspect Chrons/UC.
I also had no insurance when I first became symptomatic and it does take a lot of legwork to get anyone to give a second glance at you. Do you qualify for government aided insurnace? I had to get that and then be in the ER before I was given a second look...AND be severely anemic. It wasn't until they admitted and ran a stool sample that they noticed exactly how much blood I was passing which upped the antie. I had a year of symptoms and another year to get treatment