Advice Regarding Abdominal Pain

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Sep 26, 2015
Hi Everyone,

I've had pretty bad pain in the center of my abdomen, right at my navel, since about August 2015. I was diagnosed with mild Crohn's disease in September and have been on azathioprine ever since. I assumed that the pain was from the Crohn's but, after the pain stuck around while my other symptoms started to get better, I started asking my doctors about it again. My GI thought it might possibly be a kind of reflux or indigestion, so I started Prilosec. A few months of that did nothing. I saw my PCP about a month ago and let her know that I was still in pain. At first she asked if I could live with it... :ymad: She then gave me a referral to physical therapy to see if it was a muscle/fascia thing.

I had an MRE a week and a half ago and my GI says there is no evidence of active Crohn's so Crohn's wouldn't explain my pain. I saw the physical therapist on Tuesday. He was so wonderful! He gave me an exam and asked lots of questions and was very attentive. He then said "Hold on a moment" and went to get two other therapists to check me out, including the director of the practice. He was concerned an abdominal aneurysm, but I've had a lot of imaging lately and none of it mentioned that. He also said it could be an adhesion/or restrictions in the fascia that connects my organs, which is weird since I've never had surgery. They still weren't 100% sure what was going on. He just called today and we are going to do a trial of therapy and something called myofascial release. I just want my pain to stop.

My pain is a deep and burning pain, right behind my navel, with occasional stabbing. The severity varies, but it never goes away. It is hard to think it is not Crohn's since it is in my abdomen. I'm going to give PT a go to see if it helps, my GI thought that was a good idea too. Has anyone else experienced this? I see my GI next on the 26th, any suggestions for what I should ask? Is it possible to still have microscopic inflammation even though my MRE was clear? My last colonoscopy was in August.

Sorry for the rambling, I'm just getting frustrated.
Is the pain related to eating at all? Does it get better or worse after a meal? And if it does, are any particular foods better or worse than others?
Ask him if there is there is further testing that can be done. You know your body better than anyone else. Keep us updated.
Yes, I have in the past, exactly as you describe, and also had no idea as to it's cause. I presumed it was my CD settling down, as back then I was still testing foodstuffs thought to cause issue.

I've had a 'sharp pangs' more recently, around the navel, and also have no idea why.

All labs I've had done point to my CD being under control. I hope it's not the start of something new.

I thought it'd be good to highlight that one fact I've found to be true is that pains in the gut aren't an accurate guide as the nerves aren't as precisely located as in the hands or legs:

Centre upper abdo pain can = stomach, duodenum, gallbladder issues.
Around navel can = small intestine issues.
Central lower abdomen above groin can = large intestine issues.
Thanks for your responses. The pain doesn't have anything to do with food. It hurts all the time and is worse when I lie on my stomach or when it is touched. It was excruciating when the physical therapist was palpating my abdomen. I've been checked for a hernia multiple times and am clear. I'll see if they can give me any more ideas at PT and check for more tests when I see my GI in a couple weeks.
Ask him if there is there is further testing that can be done. You know your body better than anyone else. Keep us updated.

Piggybacking off this, some other ideas for questions to ask your GI:

  • What should I do if I get a specific side effect? (For example, should I call my GP, or go to the emergency department at a hospital, or is there a contact number I should ring?)
  • What monitoring is needed to look for side effects?
  • Are there any long-term effects of taking this treatment?
  • When should I start to feel better and what should I do if I don't start to feel better by then?
  • Are there different treatments that I could try?
  • Does the length/dose of my current treatment need to be changed?
So few things
Not all that is abdominal pain is crohns
For ds we said the same food didn't make a difference
Then we tried two weeks of formula only just to try and calm his gut ( all scopes imaging was normal beginning last year )
After two weeks of formula ( peptamen Jr ) his abdominal pain was barely there
Added one food at a time back based on crohns exclusive diet .
Found out chicken ( even plain boiled ) markedly increased his abdominal pain
Took a while but figured out a lot of triggers
Also figured out he had Gastroparesis and his stomach doesn't empty properly .

Currently he doesn't tolerate any foods at all and is on elemental formula ( still working on why -- crohns is still fine btw per recent scopes )

Hope you can get to the bottom of it soon
Hi Everyone,

I've had pretty bad pain in the center of my abdomen, right at my navel, since about August 2015. I was diagnosed with mild Crohn's disease in September and have been on azathioprine ever since. I assumed that the pain was from the Crohn's but, after the pain stuck around while my other symptoms started to get better, I started asking my doctors about it again. My GI thought it might possibly be a kind of reflux or indigestion, so I started Prilosec. A few months of that did nothing. I saw my PCP about a month ago and let her know that I was still in pain. At first she asked if I could live with it... :ymad: She then gave me a referral to physical therapy to see if it was a muscle/fascia thing.

I had an MRE a week and a half ago and my GI says there is no evidence of active Crohn's so Crohn's wouldn't explain my pain. I saw the physical therapist on Tuesday. He was so wonderful! He gave me an exam and asked lots of questions and was very attentive. He then said "Hold on a moment" and went to get two other therapists to check me out, including the director of the practice. He was concerned an abdominal aneurysm, but I've had a lot of imaging lately and none of it mentioned that. He also said it could be an adhesion/or restrictions in the fascia that connects my organs, which is weird since I've never had surgery. They still weren't 100% sure what was going on. He just called today and we are going to do a trial of therapy and something called myofascial release. I just want my pain to stop.

My pain is a deep and burning pain, right behind my navel, with occasional stabbing. The severity varies, but it never goes away. It is hard to think it is not Crohn's since it is in my abdomen. I'm going to give PT a go to see if it helps, my GI thought that was a good idea too. Has anyone else experienced this? I see my GI next on the 26th, any suggestions for what I should ask? Is it possible to still have microscopic inflammation even though my MRE was clear? My last colonoscopy was in August.

Sorry for the rambling, I'm just getting frustrated.

Good morning! Ughhh I truly feel for you, I have had active crohn's for 8 years now. The belly pain can be debilitating especially if I dare to enjoy FOOD! Anyway I see a pain management Dr. And have for about 5 years now. I've had people say to me "you take narcotics for crohn's? " And I'm always frustrated by that! My standard reply is What do YOU think Crohn's is? What do you think the symptoms are? To which they reply, I DON'T KNOW, you poop a lot .....that's actually as you probably know only the tip of the iceberg, even my Gastro disapproves but doesn't offer an alternative, I've tried almost every available meds for crohn's. My Gastro suggests Marijuana which I have tried and it's effective! But he's still being processed to prescribe! I can't walk into wallgreen and buy pot. Any way I guess my point is that CROHNS HURTS! It's an absolutely painful condition enough so that I'm legally 100% disabled. DON'T Let a Dr. that doesn't have any idea how it is to live with crohn's tell you that you are not in pain! Good luck ,Sharon
Thanks for the advice and support. My GI ordered an ultrasound to check for an umbilical hernia. I've been physically checked a few times and don't have a bulge, but it might be small or hard to feel. I have that on Tuesday and my appointment with him on Thursday, so hopefully we'll get this figured out. I can't sleep because of the pain and I'm just ready to be done with it!!!

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