After feelings from small bowel follow through

Crohn's Disease Forum

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Jun 14, 2009
Hello All. This is my first post ever since joining the forum. I was just diagnosed with CD on 06/01/09. I have tons and tons of questions (which may follow in another post). For now, I have a question about your experiences after a small bowel follow through (that's the only name I know to call it). I had the test yesterday. I drank a bunch of water through-out the day yesterday after the test. It seemed to me as though I passed all of the barium so then I ate an okay sized lunch and then a huge dinner. I typically have D in the mornings but not this morning. I've had no "movement" at all today. Since I woke up I had breakfast, a snack, now lunch. I feel VERY bloated/full/fat. I also feel as though I'm carrying about five pounds worth of extra "stuff" that I need to get rid of. I don't want to use any over the counter stuff to help move things along for fear it might not work and I'd feel worse. Is what I'm feeling normal?? I honestly feel like I need a cleansing (or like the only thing that will help is a half gallon of prep to be honest). Should I call my GI? Should I just take some over the counter stuff? What are your experiences??

Thank you all! :confused2:

I would try something over the counter that is mild to help things come out. Like a mild laxative. Some of the members here I know have ones that they are ok with. I always felt awful after I had a small bowel test and colonoscopy. I would feel almost sore from the inside out. It should pass once your body gets it's system back the way it is use to I guess. I would call your GI if you start getting any pain for sure.
I had a small bowel follow-thru barium test about a month and a half ago and definitely had very little to no movement because of it, bloating and increased pain also accompanied. Milk of magnesia before bedtime with a full glass of water and a glass of miralax the next morning is what I used, I get constipated more than I have D so you may want to take it easier than what I did. Milk of mag is stronger than miralax if that helps.
Also keep drinking water throughout the day. I have pain each day and it increased with the barium being in me, it depends on what you feel comfortable with I guess, but any severe pain go to the doctor immediately like teeny recommended. My bm's were white for like 4-5 days also, so don't be alarmed. Take care and hope it works out!