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This is my first post, I have been following this forum for the last few years.

I hope this is the right place to start the thread, if it's not please feel free to move it to the correct forum or sub-forum.

I would like to connect the dots with the 2 vaccines being in the headlines recently. There is already plenty of information about the 2 vaccines in the forum.

In one corner we have Qu [wiki2="Biologics"]Biologics[/wiki2] (Canada) that is developing [wiki2="AIEC"]AIEC[/wiki2] vaccine and in another corner we have Hermon-Taylor (UK) that is developing a way to test if you have MAP and also produce a MAP vaccines.  Both are in human trials and both require Funding.  So basically in a few years we should have 2 ways to tackle IBD (UC or CD).  This is great news.

Where I can't seem to connect the dots is why do we need to raise funds ? If the initial tests are promising, how come there is are no organization that are giving money ?  These two entities are not asking money to find a cure, these two entities believe they found a cure and just want to do human trials, they must already have compelling evidences that it works.  It should be very easy for these two entities to get funding at this stage.


I went on the web site but there is just 1 pdf article that talks about MAP.  If you look at the annual financial, in 2012 they seem to have raised 3.6M GBP.  After reading the annual report, just small amount was giving to research and most of it invested in high interest deposits with some banks.

I don't understand how these 2 vaccines need to raise money if they already seem to have something that will most likely work ? What am I missing here ?

I would like that someone which has knowledge in this field explains me what am I missing ?  I can't seem to connect the dots here and I don't know who to ask the question...

Thank you



- MAP ( )

- AIEC (

- Qu biologics (

- MAP Vaccine ( )

- MAP Vaccine Funding (

- MAP Benefits / Funding in Minnesota (

-Crohnsandcolitis Foundation in UK ( )
