This seems like a good place to share our experiences with Crohn's- so here goes.
My daughter is 16 and she was diagnosed with Crohn's Disease a few weeks ago (May 2019).
Back story- she has no history of diarrhea, abdominal pain, nausea, weight loss, fever or any of the other symptoms associated with CD. She was maybe a bit tired, but that seemed kind of normal for a busy, hard-working, teenage student. The only health problem she had was bad period pain which she treated with Naprogesics. Pre-period she always suffers flu-like symptoms and constipation. There is no known family history of CD but the potential is probably there.
About a year ago she complained of having a sore on her bum which bled a little bit sometimes after a poo. After some quizzing it seemed that this was intermittent and exacerbated during the period constipation. I suggested she see if it would clear up on it's own. We had a very busy year with international travel, school camps, school formal, work experience, etc. In January she mentioned that her bum was still causing trouble so we went to see the GP.
The GP found two fissures and prescribed Rectinol ointment and salt baths and advised it should clear up in 2-3 weeks. She also wanted blood tests. These first tests showed anaemia and inflammation. The GP asked about diet. I was surprised because we have a very healthy diet - fresh meat and veg every day, almost no junk food, eggs or porridge for breakfast, fruit for morning snack. Anyway we upped the red meat and introduced orange juice with dinner instead of water.
The follow up blood tests 3 months later were almost unchanged (Ferritin = 16) and the unhealed fissures led her to organise an urgent visit to a pediatric enterologist. Three days later she had a colonoscopy and gastroscopy and a provisional Crohn's diagnosis. The pics showed a healthy colon, a thickened patch on the stomach and a seriously inflamed Terminal Ilieum with a stiff valve. She was given an iron infusion the same day. This made an instant improvement in her energy levels. She became more aware of abdominal pain after eating.
We had to wait a couple of weeks for the follow up appointment where we were told the tests and biopsies indicated no tuberculosis, hepatitis or chicken pox but there was Crohn's Disease. He gave us a choice between steroids and EEN for 6 weeks, followed by immune modulators. We opted for EEN. He is also giving her a second iron infusion next week because the serum is still only 4L. (Ferritin = 165)
It took a while to get an appointment with a dietitian so EEN didn't start for another two weeks. We have just completed Week 1 and so far so good. She is having a combination of Ensure, Fortisip, Resource and Sustagen. The flavours are vanilla, chocolate, banana, strawberry, coffee, wild berry and peach. She can also have barley sugars and jelly. She is missing eating crunchy food.
So far she has maintained her weight and still feels occasional abdominal pain which seems to be associated with wind. EEN has given her loose stools once a day.
Meanwhile, I have spent hours trawling the internet for information on CD, UC and IBD. I am glad we opted for EEN, but time will tell. The most informative general website is:
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I plan to write updates as they happen.