Anal tampon use avisable?

Crohn's Disease Forum

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Feb 26, 2018
Hello! if frequent urge to go is the issue, is a tampon the answer? Seems like with a tampon you could make it through a meeting, or sleep through the night.:( If so, how long is it safe to keep in? Same guidelines as for vaginal use?
Google "medical anal plug".

I learn something new every day from google.
Who knows what is available in your country.
I agree, really not a good idea. You risk irritating your rectum mucosa furthermore plus stimulating more contractions from your rectum with an object inserted inside. Risk of having trouble expelling the object as well.
Ask your Gi if Bismuth (pepto bismol) would be suitable for you to use on occasions. This can help slow down the bowel movements.
Hello! if frequent urge to go is the issue, is a tampon the answer? Seems like with a tampon you could make it through a meeting, or sleep through the night.:( If so, how long is it safe to keep in? Same guidelines as for vaginal use?
{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{Just use toilet paper folded long ways. save on washing underpants:cool:
When you go to sleep it can seek out on you if you have toilet paper down there will catch it then you can run to the rest room. less clean up :poo:

You have booster rockets going off down there sometimes won't work:blush:
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if something wants out that bad, trying to keep it dosent sound good.

I get to the point where saying no is not an option.

Why do you say that for

Besides that tampons are designed for a whole other intended use... common sense also dictates that it will not end well trying to get that thing out of your bum. Plus, if something needs out... let it out... I don't think plugging it off would help, in fact it may really hurt you. I really honestly would not do that...just saying. :eek2:
Using anything like a cork placed into the anus is asking for serious medical trouble, even in a healthy person. Use disposable adult diapers, and if those are too expensive paper towels inside one's pants will suffice.