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May 24, 2008

so, at this time, exactly one year ago, i was doing the first things i remember after my surgery.

1 year ago today my large intestine was taken from me.

heres to you intestine, we had alot of fun, but i'm glad our gone! you got to needy in the end, it was just never going to work out if we stayed together!

I'm sure you have some lovely photos of her/him/it to remind you of the good times...

*gets out colonoscopy photo album*
Creepy Lurker said:
I'm sure you have some lovely photos of her/him/it to remind you of the good times...

*gets out colonoscopy photo album*

You ARE a creepy lurker.....look at those eyes.

Congrats Jed, I think you two needed to see other people. You grew apart.
BWS1982 said:
Congrats Jed, I think you two needed to see other people. You grew apart.

your right my friend, sometimes its better to go your own way.

its not to say i didn't try everything i could.

tried taking it out to dinner, but it just complained the whole time. everytime we went to the bedroom it had a headache. it distracted me at work all the time (and thats when i actually made it there, half time time i had to stay home cause it kept me up the whole night whinging....)

i hear its not doing so well for itself now, ended up in a dumpster somewhere with some apendix and a ganggreen leg.

it could stayed with me, i would've liked that, but it mades it own choice and now it has to live with that.


maybe this is the perfect time to write an Ode to my Intestine?

hey - don't be too sad on this anniversary, i maintain that some things are better out than in - its a good philosophy for us Crohnies ;)
I remember the days when you two honeymooned on Uranus.

yeah Jed, just don't tell your colon that you were actually seeing your rectum before you two broke up.
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