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Crohn's Disease Forum

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Dec 14, 2011
Well... I never thought that I would be writing a note in any type of forum but here I am.
I was diagnosed with Crohns just last week, after two colonoscopies and two ultrasounds, and of course it will take until jan 9th to get in too see my GI doctor. I was told I had colitis back in 1987 with no assistance for treatment. That being said I did not take any action myself. Just "Lived with it" I guess.

Over the past while I have had pain, massive bloating and nausea develop. That is when I went to the specialist.
I have never been too good with tolerating meds so I was hoping that this forum would provide some advise and support, a little freaked about the whole thing, on any types of herbal meds that are out there for some of the symptoms.

Dont want to avoid the meds all together but if some herbals are out there that could provide some relief, that would be great.

Thanks all!
Hi there and welcome to the forum, there is always much needed advice and support available here. I have never tried herbal meds myself, but if you go to the treatment forum there should be some info there. It may be that you will need to go on a medication to get your symptoms under control but then you can investigate alternative treatments that are less invasive. At the moment have you been advised on a diet to follow or have you noticed yourself foods that will exacerbate your symptoms? If not this is something else to look into to try and help get things more under control. I hope things start to improve for you soon and let us know how you get on on the 9th.
Hi Katt and welcome. :hug: So sorry about the diagnosis.

For people who aren't fans of medicine, Low-Dose Naltrexone (LDN) seems to be a good drug. Here's a link to our sub-forum based on LDN.

Also, you may want to read up on diet. Many people are able to manage their diseases with specific diets.

Most doctors will not prescribe LDN or say that diet could manage your disease, but their are a lot of testimonials to prove otherwise. Everyone is different, though. I just hope you find something that works for you. :hang:
Hey there welcome to the forums here. That's one heck of a long time to just live with something like this. I can't help in the way of herbals but hope you get some relief soon and everything goes well for you.
Thanks Angrybird.

I have been taking note of the foods that are giving me issues. Salad, of all things, seems to be one of the worst.
There seems to be a wealth of information on this forum that I will refer to when the 9th comes and goes. I will pass along the info.

Have a very Merry Christmas!

Hi there and welcome to the forum, there is always much needed advice and support available here. I have never tried herbal meds myself, but if you go to the treatment forum there should be some info there. It may be that you will need to go on a medication to get your symptoms under control but then you can investigate alternative treatments that are less invasive. At the moment have you been advised on a diet to follow or have you noticed yourself foods that will exacerbate your symptoms? If not this is something else to look into to try and help get things more under control. I hope things start to improve for you soon and let us know how you get on on the 9th.
Some relief.....

So Jan 9th came and went.
Doc put me on Prednisone 5 mg 8 tablets a day decreasing 1 each week to see how things progress.
Wow. Feel a lot better. The bubbling inside of me has decrease greatly. Still have flare ups occasionally but better overall.
I had a look at some threads on the site regarding Prednisone. I am very happy to say that the side effects are minimal with me. I have noticed not so much weight gain as a incease in size????? Strange.... Not eating more but I meed to get new pants!
Not sure if there is a difference in dosage that others have been perscribed but sleepeles nights are not an issue with me. I do take Melatonin just before bed if I feel that I may need it... Costco sells a product called "Supersleep". Works like a charm. I also workout to make me more tired at the end of the day.
I am going onto another drug shortly. I cannot come to the name a this time but it is the one that can decrease your white blood cell count... Immurane or something like that? I will be reading up on that baby as well.

Over and out.
That's a typical starting dose of pred. I'm surprised you're not having any side effects! That's great, though. The other drug is Imuran, also called azathioprine. It's an immune suppressant. You'll need regular blood work to monitor your levels. Good luck!

Oh, and you mentioned salad above. Not many Crohnies can eat raw veggies. Salads tear me up, too.
Thanks for the update :) Glad the pred side effects have not been too bad for you and that you are starting to feel better. Sounds like you are going on the same med as me, have a good read up on this and the good thing is that you get to have a really good chat with the nurse before it gets started so you have a chance to ask questions and have any issues about it addressed. Have you been given an appt date for this yet?
Hey Angrybird.
The bloodwork has been done. I will actually be calling the hospital today to light the fire under their ... butts.... In Calgary at least, that is the only way to get your results. After that is when they will tell me the dosage. Feb 4 I go in for another follow up. Feb 21st I am scheduled for a Cat Scan of my abdomen. Wow it will be nice when all of the tests are done.
No doubt about the raw veggies Stephanie. That sucks! Loved the salads and carrots with Hummus.
The Pred side effects seem pretty severe as I have read. I am really happy that I, for some reason, am not feeling this. After reading more in depth on the side effects, I can say I have had the blurry spots and the chest pains. I am hoping that the latter was just coincidence but something I will mention on feb 4th.
Nice chatting again. Time to get to work!
Hi CK, and (belated :redface: ) welcome to the forum, Fellow Albertan!!

You will read alot about CD patients having to cut high fiber foods out of their diet, and this works for some part - but we still need fiber to maintain "regular" bowel movements - the intestine is a muscle, and like any other muscle in our body, it needs to be exercised (to some degree) so it works efficiently.... :)

That being said, as a person who (it sounds like) works out on a regular basis, you also know that you can damage muscles if you work them too hard, or the wrong way, especiallly while they are damaged at the moment. So it is awesome that you are starting to keep a 'food dieary' of sorts... pay attention to the ones that DO bother you, and avoid them for now. BUT, you may find there are others that don't bother you - eat them!! Or you may find that if you gently steam some of your raw veg, it doesn't bother you as much... or if you chew it a bit more.... you get the picture, I think.

If you find you absolutely cannot tolerate them, find a good multivit - the vitamins and minerals that are found in fruits/veg are of utmost importance in healing. :)

One other 'herbal' supplement I would recommend is a good Omega 3 supplement - not so much omega 6 or 9 - but the benefits of omega 3 in reducing inflammation and promoting healing have been found quite substantial in the medical community (I will post some links ASAP - just jotting a quick note off to you before I head out of the house for a bit.... :redface: ).

I hope things are going well for you so far. Keep us posted and good luck!! :)
Thanks Silvermoon.
I do still eat LOTS of veggies. Just not raw. I steam them whem possible to retain the vitamins. Boiling.... yuk.
I also take Omega 3. I actually put it in my protien fruit yogurt shakes I make for breakfast, along with Vit D, Ginko... and Stress ease.
I am having a bit of an issue with "regularity" so,.... water, lots of water.
Funny, I just posted that I seem to be avoiding the Pred side effects. Today I have developed the shakes and do no not quite feel right. I wonder. Isolated case I hope.

Have a great day.
Hiya Katt
and a belated welcome!

I didn't get the side effects until about 2 months in, then the shakes came!
My advice? go with the flow, don't fight the Pred, enjoy the ride, it's a high!
I loved the speedy wizzy jittery feelings with Pred, and most of all, it healed me good and proper after nearly a year. I don't have any pain or symptoms at the mo.
And if you can't sleep watch some rubbish telly
enjoy the forum, lotsa luv
Joan xxx
The pred is not giving me my 'normal' side effects this time round. Instead of getting fat(in fact still losing weight) I just keep feeling hot and sweaty - soo not normal for me, I am usually the one wrapped in a blanket witht the heating on and a hot water bottle!

Katt - keep us updated on how you get on with the results and starting dose, I was allowed to go up to 50mg today :)
Katt update

Hows everyone doing?
I am doing OK so far other than I have developed severe pain in my knees. Blood work came back and all was good so now the docs are thinking it is a Prednisone withdrawal side effect... Great. Monday and Tuesday of this week I could barley stand up let alone walk. Anyone else have this? Any pain relief that has worked for anyone? Aleve and Ibuprophine (spelling) did not really touch it.
Otherwise the tummy issues are under control... yipee.

Cheers everyone. Enjoy the family day long weekend.
Hello :) I can't say I had this problem on any of my previous pred experiences when coming off it. I do find though that when I get knee and back pain that heat packs can be nice along with hot baths, also do not use the Ibuprofen anymore, this is definite no no for people with IBD's. We can have Paracetamol but I should think you have already tried this?

I am pleased that the tummy is doing better though :hug: I take you are now on the Imuran? What dose are you on? I have now reached 75mg and hope to increase to 100mg next week......
Paracetamol?? I will look into that. Thanks.
Yes I am on Imuran. Started off at 100 mg and still at that dose. Thsi side effect comes at a good time as I had a ski vacation booked for next weekend. I sure hope it passes soon.
On a lighter note.... You guys are getting a good winter this year I see..... We, here in Calgary are used to the -30°C temps with lots of snow. This year the temps have been above 0 and I can still see the grass. Odd to say the least.

Have a good one.
Odd indeed, I am embarassed though at how the UK falls apart over a few inches if snow when you guys can deal with soo much more. Fingers crossed you feel tiptop for next weekend :)

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