Another Crohnie Story, I'm afraid.

Crohn's Disease Forum

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May 4, 2011
My name is Autumn, I'm a twenty-three year old Crohnie. I was diagnosed when I was fifteen at a doctors office here in Missouri, where I live. I have two children, they both took a lot of work to bring into the world. I had two difficult pregnancies, with both my babies being born small for gestational age. My oldest weighed two and a half pounds at birth.

I live a normal Crohnie life. I go to the bathroom the first few hours of my day. Next I go to the doctor, if I'm not already in the hospital. I've had three abdominal surgeries, one colon resectioning and two ovarian surgeries because I also have endometreosis, even though I cannot spell it correctly I have it.

I get blood transfusions every 3 to 6 months because I don't absorb iron. That has gotten better recently, I've been cooking everything in cast iron skillets. I actually think it's helping.

I've taken the following medications and others I'm sure I've forgotten as well: Prednisone, Flagyll (allergic to it), Asacol, Imuran, and Remicade. Nothing works except prednisone, but they won't let me stay on the for too long. I'm interested in finding new treatments.

I have never met another human being that has Crohn's disease. I joined mdjunction last week, and someone referred me to this support group also.

My doctor wants me back on the Remicade, but it didn't work out last time, and I had terrible side effects. I want to find something that works, and also make friends with people I can relate to.
Hi Autumn,
Welcome to the forum :) You will find so much information here. It has helped me especially with medicine :)
Hi Autumn,
I'm a new member here too :) . I'm sorry to hear about all your medication troubles, sounds like you are having a hard time of it, especially when you have to look after two kids as well.
I'm not sure what you might be able to look at in terms of medication (because it sounds like you've been through the mill!) but if you post a thread in one of the medication areas of this forum, some of the more senior members might be able to point you to some alternate treatments.
Hi Autumn,

Welcome, I'm pleased that you were referred here. I'm sure you can find plenty of wonderful friends who are going through what you are as well as information regarding other treatments :)

That's interesting that cast iron is helping with your iron levels. My fiance is actually low in iron so I'm going to look into that. Thanks! :)

See you around the forum!
Welcome, Autumn! Boy, you have been through so much at such a young age. And I am sorry you have yet to find a treatment plan that works for you. I am curious as to why your doctor would try Remicade again if it didn't work for you in the past? Have you considered Humira? Many on the forum have benefitted from it. Check out the Treatment forum for loads of good info. I sure hope you'll find your right "cocktail" soon enough. Good luck!
Hiya Autumn (lovely name)
and welcome

Yeah, what a rough time you've had, glad you found us!
You're no longer alone with this now.
I was gonna mention Humira too, or Cimzia
Another treatment is Low Dose Naltrexone (LDN) you can research this here on the forum.
Lotsa luv
Joan xxx
Hi Autumn and welcome!

There are many other Crohnie women here that also have endometriosis. It's interesting and I can't help but wonder if the two are related or if the endo makes the Crohn's worse.

Question your doc about the Remi.... if you have been off of it for a long time, it is possible that you have built up antibodies to it and it will be ineffective or you will have a reaction to it. If you had terrible side effects and it didn't work, I am baffled as to why he would suggest it again. Press him about it. Ask about Humira or Cimzia.

Good luck - I hope you can find a med or cocktail of meds that works for you!

- Amy
Hi Autumn (I agree, lovely name )
I'm an old Crohnie but just joined this forum. I'm glad you found this. There are plenty of us. I hope you find support and know that you'll find plenty of friends/supporters here!
:) Jan

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