Very good video! I hope you continue to keep us posted here! My son is so young but has also been very sick. This past year the doctors are considering colectomy as they did in your case. (He currently has an [wiki2="Ileostomy"]ileostomy[/wiki2]). The doctors are not jumping quickly to do this as this would be a very big thing to do to a 14yr old. But I hate seeing him very under weight, not growing, delayed puberty, and pain. We are currently doing the new [wiki2="Vedolizumab"]Vedolizumab[/wiki2]. But he recently went on Flagyl and Ciprofloxacin. (He did this for 2 weeks in Sept). Both times he has such a dramatic turn for the better. Because of this, his GI is having him stay on it for a couple months. It has made me wonder... why have we tried everything... yet antibiotics is what he has response to. This is why your story has me so interested. I've heard of MAP therapy before.. but you are right that GI's don't give it any credit. We are headed to MAYO Clinic late January and I'm going to bring up your research. It gives me hope that you didn't have to have a colectomy. Thanks for sharing