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Jan 10, 2015
As someone newly diagnosed after an extremely fortunate lengthy remission, I am having at least as much trouble with anxiety as I am from actual pain and diarrhea. This, of course, doesn't help a bit. Besides taking up meditation and restorative yoga (which are helpful), please share any suggestions. This effects my sleep every couple of nights if my symptoms pick up at all. I know about cognitive behavioral therapy and I am having a hard time changing tracks mentally when I fall into panic about the unknown future of this condition.
Hi wontok.

I think you're taking some very positive steps to get the anxiety under control.
Have you concidered seeing a therapist? It might be good to talk things out.

I'll also add that it takes time to come to terms with this diagnosis. That's alright.

Sending you my support.
Yes, I talked to a psychologist and I found it was not helpful as talking more about this only reminds me more about it. Distraction is more helpful.
Sounds like me! I'm newly diagnosed as well, and very anxious about it. However, the anxiety is gradually getting better.

May I ask what you specifically get anxious about?

For me, it is the unknown with this disease. However, the majority of people with Crohn's live normal lives in spite of it. It can take a bit of trial and error to find the right medication, but most people (except those with aggressive and severe disease) enter remission and hardly bat an eye! Heck, even those with severe disease feel better and are able to live normal lives a lot of the time.

One thing to keep in mind is that people who post on the Internet about their condition are often either newly diagnosed, in a flare, or have severe disease. People not thinking about it won't be posting about it.
I had Crohn's when I was young. It was the worst thing that ever happened to me--or that is my memory. Within two years of my ancient diagnosis I had surgery and was in remission for 38 years. I have always been terrified of Crohn's since then although I didn't think about it much because I was not in pain. I am terrified of revisiting that pain. I am so sorry for making my new husband of 8 years (I am 67) go through this with me. I am terrified of having to take any of the medicines (I have every side effect there is usually). I am terrified of being involved with the medical establishment again (I have a list of horror stories of all of the harmful things they have done and suggested--including most recently I believe causing this flare up. I got my colonoscopy report back and the idiot doctor spent time poking at my Crohn's!!!) I am afraid of the food and travel limitations for my "new" life.

Mostly the pain.

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