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ok so far so good....

Latest paper 2014

Seems to demonstrate through very low percentages, the inability to make a serious dent in the symptoms of both people with UC and CD IBDs.

The thing to appreciate with this study though is that if indeed this does work on the Th2/Th1 immune response(s), the therapy is still only relevant for manipulating the immune response of the body (without me going off and reading up on Tn1 and Tn2 immune responses I am just assuming that they are like tiers and Tn1 is lower tier than Tn2 so once a Tn2 'threat' is found the Tn1 response gets 'put on hold' while the Tn2 immunity response 'kicks in' - I will leave my assumption here and come back and clarify once i do find out). Again, a therapy treating symptoms rather than targetting disease (although I guess you could argue that it is in fact targetting a cause of a symptom).

ok did a quick read Tn1 and Tn2 are pain or nerve responses i believe...?

2005 paper

This paper interests me as I have CD rather than UC. As soon as iIstart reading though iIwonder the wisdom in ingesting said worms though...

Does it matter if they are entering through this method eg how do they fare when entering the stomach with bile/acid - is it not better for the worm eggs to be administered through the arm I wonder. Also this [wiki2="CDAI-Crohns-Disease-Activity-Index"]CDAI[/wiki2] makes me wonder - how relevant is this index with understanding of the diseases/conditions improving year on year - surely as each year passes the newly gained understanding renders the CDAI less relevant and more redundant?

I wish someone had done my CDAI:

-at the peak of flares just before I drastically changed my diet

-again once my pain disappeared a week into altering my diet

-after my recent colosc which showed my ulcers and inflammation had gone

Cant argue with the data of this 2005 study though, the index was >220 and after helminth therapy 79% (23 out of 29) of the patients had reduced index by 100. Putting that in words if you asked most of us would we like half the pain without the meds I think all would have said 'YES!'.

2003 paper

I will go easy on this one as it is the earliest study...

Very small group of test subjects, of note to me was 4 CD patients and 3 of 4 (75%) after therapy, according to the CDAI went into '[wiki2="Remission"]remission[/wiki2]' with the 4th only just outside of remission according to the CDAI

The only other thing I found of note is the last part regarding speculation that repeated procedure every 3 weeks would likely be needed to maintain the effect.

Hopefully I wasnt too critical and the bits I picked out were worth it.
