Any one have luck treating joint issues with entyvio?

Crohn's Disease Forum

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Jan 30, 2011
I have had crohns for approx 25 years and have tried and failed almost every TNF out there....remicade, cimzia, humira, currently on simponi for the last 3 years.
Have had one small and large bowel resection and multiple fistulas.

My big issue currently is arthritis. About 5 months ago my right index finger blew up to the size of a sausage in the matter of days. A month later I ended up having surgery to drain some fluid and scrape the tendon. Stayed on simponi and switched from imuran to Methotrexate.
Fast forward 3 months and my finger remains the size of a sausage. Two weeks ago I had repeat and much more extensive surgery because the tendon was inflammed down the entire palm of my hand now. Currently my finger remains swelled and virtually unusable.

Saw both my GI doc and Rheumatologist this week. They are in discussion to try entyvio. I am hesitant about this because it seems like such a "gut targeted" drug that it won't help my arthritis.
The only other potential treatment back in play is remicade. I had severe reactions to it and we discussed trying to get desensitized to it....which is a whole new topic!

Any one have luck treating joint issues with entyvio?