Anyonone had Stoma Revision Surgery?

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Nov 3, 2010
Has anyone had stoma revision surgery done to make the stoma protrude more? (I don't mean where the stoma is placed at a different site).

If so, was it done with local or general anasthetic? How long was the hospitalization?

I am having a difficult time with mine and two stoma nurses have given up - waiting for a third - but I want to know what my options are.

Thanks all

Sorry you're having problems...I don't have any advice as I've been pretty lucky with mine, but good luck!! I hope they get your sorted out soon :)
You might want to go to the UOAA board and search for "Stoma Revision" -- there seem to be some people who have done it successfully and probably can give you the advice you are looking for.

Good luck and keep us posted if you go for it. :)
What we ostomates NEED is a proper little penie!!! Sticks out...has a little teapot drip on it, and makes happy gurgling noises. Thats what Stan does and thank goodness for it. Had a good surgeon. Dont need another messing it up!

We should all have 'teapots'!!! Must ask for them apparently at the drive thru window!!! (that would be the waiting line for surgery)
I have read in some medical textbooks that certain revisions can be done under local anesthesia - that is why I was wondering if anyone had it done.
Hopeful, I dont know what your stoma looks like and what is involved in the surgery. But, if they have to push and pull and all, and cut an rearrange, it may involve GA. But frankly if it can make your life so much better, it may be well worth it!

If any of us are suffering needlessly, and not living a life we deserve, because our stomas weren't properly placed or not properly pulled out, YES we deserve to have them repaired!
We certainly deserve it - I just hate being in hospital :) Mine needs to be pulled out a little at the bottom, it protrudes sufficiently at the top.
Me too! I hate it! I hate being locked in at night. I hate having no peace and quiet, I hate so much of it! But...if it fixes what ails me, it's worth it.

Major Hugs! :hug::hug::hug::hug::hug::hug:
If any of us are suffering needlessly, and not living a life we deserve, because our stomas weren't properly placed or not properly pulled out, YES we deserve to have them repaired!

...and it should be repaired for free!

Even though I was told in emergency surgery situations STUFF HAPPENS :mad2:
i've had it done but gosh to be honest i dont remember too much of was done in 94 i know that i was completly knocked out and it dont think it took too long..mine kinda fell in if that makes sense?? then i had a horrible infection and had to again have it worked on...i was in the hospital for at least a week could have been due to the infection why i stayed that long. im sorry im not much of a help but i do wish you luck!!