Are your kids just plain nauseous a lot?

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Jan 11, 2012
Esp first thing in the morning? Ros often starts out the day with nausea. She pushes through it, just wondering if this is common.
My 10 year old gets nauseous now and again (unofficial diagnosis in Dec 2009) . My 17 year old son is nauseous EVERY morning. We just went to see the GI two weeks ago for the first time for him. They did a bunch of blood work looking for inflamatory markers. The next step (if we need it) is an upper and lower scope. My dr wanted him to see the GI because he has low b12 (has been on monthly shots for a year), has had abdominal pain on and off, bowel issues when he was younger, and now the nausea/vomiting in the mornings. With my younger daughter being *unofficially* diagnosed, I guess they want to make sure they don't miss anything with my son.
I don't remember my son throwing up once since beginning crohns treatment in Dec. 09.
Brian only threw up when he went thru that bad flare last year. It was just occasional, and during the worst of it, but he would vomit during bad bad cramping. He's now like EJ, once successful treatment began, that was a thing of the past.
Is it associated with lack of bowel movement; meaning she gets nauseous if she has not moved in some time? I used to get that and then shortly thereafter, immediate projectile vomiting and then diarrhea. Started drinking hot ginger tea in the morning and light meal (yogurt) and realized it got me "moving" and then reduced the diarrhea. May be associated with lack of bowel movement; a thought. Good luck!
Thanks all. She doesn't actually vomit, unless she's in a flare, in which case it's vomiting, diarrhea, pain, the works... she just generally doesn't feel well first thing in the mornings. Nausea and sometimes the LLQ pain is worse in the mornings - and mickey, that makes sense, bc she tends to have a lot of straining and constipation, rather than diarrhea. The diarrhea bouts are very short, just a half-day to a day at a time, and weeks apart.

She loves peppermint tea, it helps a lot.
My son's had constipation a few times since being diagnosed, prune juice seems to really work for him.
Johnny had it for a while but I think it was from the 6mp. I know you all must think I work for the Gatorade company, I push it so much, but I would have him sip a glass in the morning before he got out of bed. That stuff always settles his stomach. When it was really bothersome we did the zofran. It helped completely and my G.I. said it was safe.

Hope Ros is feeling better soon and out of her flare.

My son has been complaining of some nausea since starting his meds last week. I think it is likely the antibiotics causing it (Cipro and Flagyl). He too finds Gatorade a BIG help.

I hope your daughter is feeling better soon.
Both of my kids suffered with nausea but since being in remission it hasn't been an issue.

Dusty. :)
My son has trouble in the morning as well. He takes his Pentasa with a half a Boost or Ensure and then he's off to the bathroom with cramping and nausea. Sometimes he comes out and heads back in a minute later. After round two, he's usually fine and heads off for the school bus. He's never vomited and like your daughter "pushes through".

I've read about the lack of bowel movement too that Mickey mentioned and I've seen discussions on it in other areas of the Crohn's forum. After seeing the posts on Gatorade, maybe we'll give that a try? Our doctor has always said that if Crohn's symptoms start affecting quality of life or routines, that we should bring him in. He's missed the bus a couple of times because of the rough mornings, so we may be going in soon... just to check.
Try logging the foods and drinks on a daily basis. You may find that something she is eating is causing the constipation. My niece was constipated as a toddler from raisins (she was only 2), which was something her mother was allergic to as a child. Diet will sometimes cause the constipation...a thought.