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May 23, 2011
First off, let me say I am sorry that I always seem to come here to vent. BUT I finally had time to get a miniscule stool sample (she HATES going on the kids potty and refuses to use a hat) and realized the script must have gotten scooped off of the counter with all of the Christmas card envelopes into the trash. I call the docs office to ask them to fax a new one, which OF COURSE, the lab hasn't received when I arrive there an hour later. So my fave nurse, when I ask her to double check the number and re-fax, gets on the phone with me to read the script. UMMM, last I knew I am not authorized to order anything. So she says "What's the number"? I am in my car, having a meltdown because one kid has fallen asleep that I need awake so he will nap later, and the clock is ticking to get dd on the bus/myself to bed so I can get 8 hours of sleep at least once this week. I don't have the number, which is why I asked you to double check it.
I told her to forget it and mail me another script. What's another 2 weeks.
All this for a useless stool culture that is ALWAYS negative.
I am about to switch docs. Maybe I will see if I can switch nurses first.
Poor you! :frown: The most frustrating thing is when you are trying to accomplish five things, have it all organized in your head, are set to move ahead and the other person is 'duhhh... , ummm, what did you say comes after B?' LOL Drives me crazy!!! :angry-banghead: Sometimes I wonder if its me? Am I just not communicating well??? (Or could it really be everyone else??!! :confused: lol )

Hope the rest of your day is better! :rosette1:

(Suggestion for the stool sample - we didn't try this as Stephen's older so it wasn't necessary but, someone, maybe Stephen's GP/nurse??, suggested hooking up a clean plastic bag to the toilet seat, sort of 'lining the toilet bowl', to 'catch' the sample. Not sure how easy it would be to set up but, just passing along an idea... :) )
The plastic bag idea world great you can also use plastic wrap put it across the bowl under the seat. Sorry for your rough day. Have Had many of those I feel your pain!
ARGH Angie!!! How frustrating! Grrrrrrrrrrrr.

It's hard enough getting speci's from the little one's without having to repeat the process! It's no wonder you are at the end of your tether...:hug: A switch sounds like a fab idea! :)

Ah Angie, I hope it goes smoothly next time round. Good luck!

Dusty. xxx
Awe man Angie , I'm sorry you were having such a rough day! :voodoo:

I think us mom's need to start a wine/whine club for just these "special" occasions ! :lol:

Hang in there..and I hope you got some much deserved sleep! :kiss:
It was said partly in jest, but in their practice each doc has a nurse...this isn't our doc's regular nurse, but the nurse who handles all of the Remicaid patients. (So there IS a plus to going off Remi lol!)
I was pretty riled up that day...surely things aren't that bad. I am still worried about Izz, but things could be worse! I can't wait for her next treatment (1/5) to see if there is any improvement...if not we will move on.
T, I love the addition to your siggy re: Ozzie's funeral lol!!