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Dec 2, 2010
MRi showed "small ascites"... I've never heard of that coming from crohn's. Anyone else have that? What does it mean?
well I guess no one else heard of getting ascites from crohns either! i looked on the internets, there is hardly anything on point.
Okay I give up. I must be the only one here to have gotten this :( I wonder if perhaps it is leftover fluid from the surgery 8 months ago?
Sorry to hear that :( What did your doctor say regarding them?

I had to google about Ascites as I hadn't heard the term before. For those out there interested in what it is, from Wikipedia, "[Ascites] is a gastroenterological term for an accumulation of fluid in the peritoneal cavity. The medical condition is also known as peritoneal cavity fluid, peritoneal fluid excess, or hydroperitoneum."

It seems that it isn't something that would so much be caused BY Crohn's but could come about as a result of complications/side effects. Have they checked your liver function? Are you on drugs that can affect your liver?
my GI didn't mention it, I saw it on the MRI report though. So I assume the GI isn't really concerned. It is mostly caused by liver cirrhosis or pancreatitis/cancer type issues, in fact my aunt just died from pancreatic cancer and she had ascites (horribly, shunted, etc.). So naturally this gets me concerned as it is a new finding and a bit disturbing at that. But the liver looked normal, things functioning well, and there is some info about how ascites can be caused by crohns (eg., So I suspect it is crohns otherwise the doctors would be more interested. So I'm just going to pretend i don't have it i guess.
Sorry to resurrect this old post, but I think Ascites can be caused by a very low albumin which us Crohnies can get if disease is too out of control. I was just researching it because my albumin has now fallen to 2.9 and ascites came up as a possible effect (I don't have it). Hoping my Stelara can turn this around!
A CT Scan I had in March showed ascites too. At that time I had and obstruction. I don't know if that would make a difference at all. I had a small bowel resection that evening.