Hey y'all,
My name is Jamie Lynn and I was diagnosed with [wiki2="Crohns-Disease"]Crohn's disease[/wiki2] ten years ago when I was 16 years old. I'm orginally from Washington State and have recently moved down to Southern California. I have been through every medication possible, [wiki2="Pentasa"]Pentasa[/wiki2], Prednisone, Remicade, 6-MP, Asacol, etc. The remicade was working but ended up becoming allergic to it and having convulsions,throat closure, and vomiting as reactions. 6-mp also worked for a little while until I found out it was hurting my liver. I have been having flair ups off and on and I feel it's getting worse. I went to see a surgeon and he said that it is usually best to do surgery (removing a piece of my intestine at the end of my small intestine and the beginning of my large intestine) when your are still relatively healthy to lower the risk of complications. I have been active all my life, I played volleyball in college, ran track and still continue to play sports now. I am scared to go through with the surgery, but really want to get rid of the pain and symptoms of Crohn's. I would love any advice about having the surgery, how big the scar will be, the pain of the surgery and recovery period, anything would help me out. I am stressed to the max right now, and am also thousands of miles away from my family, as they still all reside in Washington State. I wish everyone with this disease luck in their battle and if I can help in any way with anyone's situation just hit me up!