At what point to request different route with GI....

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Jan 3, 2011
at what point to request different route with GI....

Hey all...haven't been here in a while...was doing pretty good there for a bit...but now for last month and 1/2 have reverted back to bloating, nausea, pain and diarrhea...getting to the point where I am leaving work again and cancelling plans more than not. I do have an app't with my GI next week...I am on Imuran and have been for past 2 years...I have always had issues, on and off..but sometimes I'd go a week or two without any issues,and I dealt... now they are daily again...I have changed diet again, done a cleanse and increased psyllium, was on ensure for past few days, now on a clear liquid diet....trying to just calm everything down...just wondering if I should push my GI for different meds?? He did talk about Humira last year when I was admitted with partial blockage, but ulcers had diminished so he thought it was working..really don't want ANOTHER colonoscopy if I could help it :)...Any Advice would be helpful!!! Thanks all!!! :)
It's time for a different route! I know colonscopies are awful, but needs must. Sounds like you and me both are due some different treatments.

I hope you can get your GI to sort it out for you ASAP!
My GI changed my meds up a bit as they didn't seem to work as well as they used to (he increased the 6MP and added Entocort and said if this doesn't work then it's time for Humira). If Imuran never really worked for you then I don't see any reason to keep you on it. I'd push for something else.
I agree with crabby. Imuran wasn't good for my crohns either, and now im also on 6mp, pred, and will begin humira in a few weeks. If your GI already suggested it, then it's deffinatley worth a try. Hope your feeling better soon. :)