I'm on Imuran and am officially in remission (aw yeah screw you Crohn's) and that took what seemed like hardly any time at all. I was only diagnosed last July. I still get the odd symptom but that's usually because I ate something I shouldn't have. Once I stop eating the offending food, things go back to normal.
As for blood tests, I had one every fortnight for the first six weeks, then one every three months, and now I'm on one every six months. This did come about with a lot of complaining and whining because all my levels had been perfect since I'd started on Imuran and tbh the blood tests were stressing me out and making me ill - I actually blacked out during one of them. I have to have one in October (bleh) and if the levels are fine for that I'm going to push for one a year unless something goes wrong.
My doctor told me if Imuran is going to mess me up, it would have done it already. There are a few side effects but those settle down and the main one, at least for me, was nausea. Counter that by eating a slice of your favourite gut-friendly cake at night and then instantly taking your Imuran, then going straight to bed. The Imuran makes you tired and you'll sleep through the worst of the icky feeling.
That said, I don't feel sick when I take it any more. The only time I got sick was about a month ago when I couldn't get Imuran and the pharmacy gave me a different brand of azathioprine, which made me feel nauseous when I took it and also caused me to have gut pain, 'the runs' and a weird lump of mucus (yuk I hate that word!) appear in my throat. Since I got back on Imuran a week ago I'm a-ok.
So yeah, everyone's different when it comes to aza and blood tests etc.