It's ok to cry sometimes. We all do that at times.
I'm so sorry that you are going through all this. At some point we all say "it's just not fair" I know I do that. But we do have to remember, we will get better. A year and a half ago I was told that and thought that, they don't know what there talking about. But they did. It took a year and a half to start feeling better but I do now. I can do things again, just things. Things that I couldn't do because I was laying on the sofa all the time SICK. Ya, it wasn't fair, but I think it was needed for me to understand what life is REALLY about. It's not just about me I have found out. It's about the people we love, the blue sky, the fresh air and all the little things that we sometimes take for granted.
I now LOVE the little things in life.
I hope you get better soon, and find what I have found through being sick. Remember, you WILL get better, and I pray it comes sooner that it did for me, BUT, you will get better.
Please keep us (me) posted.
Jim (Pops)