Bad nights

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May 6, 2013
I hate how at night I always get up to use the bathroom or to cry cause of the pain and then not being able to function cause of lack of sleep and my weight is really suffering its just so hard it makes me want to curl up into a ball and cry which I do some times
Hi Kirsten:

My daughter is 20 and was diagnosed when she was 15, just before entering her freshman year of high school. She is having a flare now and a couple of months ago was getting up every hour at night due to constant D. She was a total zombie and had to drop out of college, but she refuses to let it get her down. She now gets up about three times a night and is looking forward to the day when she can actually sleep eight hours straight at night. Sleep deprivation is very difficult, almost worst than the pain that goes along with CD, but both you and her will get through this. You will. Talking to others, like those of us in this forum is good as we are all in this together so keep posting when you need to talk.

Lisa :ghug:
I'm suffering to much weight loss not enough sleep and really bad pain since December that's been my flare and it has it moments
It's ok to cry sometimes. We all do that at times.

I'm so sorry that you are going through all this. At some point we all say "it's just not fair" I know I do that. But we do have to remember, we will get better. A year and a half ago I was told that and thought that, they don't know what there talking about. But they did. It took a year and a half to start feeling better but I do now. I can do things again, just things. Things that I couldn't do because I was laying on the sofa all the time SICK. Ya, it wasn't fair, but I think it was needed for me to understand what life is REALLY about. It's not just about me I have found out. It's about the people we love, the blue sky, the fresh air and all the little things that we sometimes take for granted.

I now LOVE the little things in life.

I hope you get better soon, and find what I have found through being sick. Remember, you WILL get better, and I pray it comes sooner that it did for me, BUT, you will get better.

Please keep us (me) posted.

Jim (Pops)
Kirsten, i am sorry that you are going through such a hard time. I still have my moments when i feel like I am constantly exhausted and constantly in the bathroom.. It is hard and sometime its not fair. I still trying to figure out what is a good day or a bad day but I have made the conscious decision that if God woke me up and let me walk across the floor and I am still above ground that it is a good day no matter how bad I feel.. Hang in there relief will happen.
Trying my best

That is the anthem for eveyone in this forum. We are all right there with you just trying to do our best. The key is to keep trying. Never ever give up or allow yourself to believe that you will never feel better as I can promise you that is not the case. Keep trying new foods; try different vitamin & supplements; try different hobbies; try varying your fitness routine and, most of all, even if you don't feel well and you are discouraged, try to keep a positive attitude.

I hope your day today is better than yesterday and just continues to get better & better with each passing day.

Hi Kirsten
Is your name pronounce K(ear) sten? Although I go by Kay my actual name is also Kirsten with the same spelling as yours. I love the name. I picked it out myself when I was 10 years old. I was being adopted and my parents said that since I was getting a new last name I could change my first name to anything I wanted if I was inclined. I chose the name Kirsten.
Okay... so about being down and depressed. I am so sorry to hear that you are crying a lot. I hope you will have some better days soon. I find I am going through a very tough time too and crying some at night.

I find that music is VERY HEALING!!! If you have an MP3 player or CD player in your room (or a computer) put on some nice music and use headphones if you have to so you don't disturb anyone else if it is in the middle of the night. There are lots of free songs you can download at that are healing type songs or just find something quiet and soothing. I don't know what your musical taste is but there is some music out there for everyone.

Also, I have found that journaling helps. You could also vent here if you need someone to give advice. Taking your mind off what is happening is key. Do you have a hobby? Do you like to read or crochet or watch old movies?
And there is nothing at all wrong with finding someone in the medical field and letting them know that you are struggling-- if it is really bad you may need a mild anti-depressant for a short period of time. That is not something you or I could decide but a qualified mental health professional could surely tell you the proper answers.
I do take a medication but that is what works for me.
Here is a big hug for you and I hope things start looking up for you.
I am with you guys as well.. I have even started to see a counsler.. Sometimes i feel so alone and that noone really understands especially since they cant physically see what pain we go through..

Kirsten - just want to say I hope you are doing a bit better today. Hang in, there are good days ahead I am sure!

It is hard...I was cryin yesterday. I try soo hard to stay positive.
Sleeping is hard, I miss sleepin on my side. I too hate waking up many times just to go sit on the toilet. Stopped checking my weight...that is jus crazy(from like 300 to close to 150 now). IDK.
I am gettin better at this...movement is the most important. Everyone will tell you to drink plenty of fluid(which I slow down on a few hours before going to bed). I mean it is bad enough I wake up to poo, I do na need to wake up needing to pee as well.
I am on a lot of dairy products which help me more than anything. Laxatives make this worse.
Please bear in mind I ave been undiagnosed for most of my life. Such is the life a native man.:(
You are in my prayers.:)
Hi again Kirsten!
As someone who has suffered from insomnia for years I can certainly appreciate your frustration with your lack of sleep. Especially being a teenager, lots of sleep is so important to your development.
Are you able to take naps at all, when you get home from school? At least then you'd be able to catch up a little bit.
My belly doesn't really keep me up but my back does, and wakes me up frequently. It's very annoying! And lately the night sweats do too. I hope that once in a while you are able to sleep through the night.
How are you doing with diet? Have you found any foods that do help, or foods to eliminate?
have you tried avoid gluten and dairy, raw veggies? All of those things are fairly common trigger foods. You might find some relief if you eliminate them for a while and let things settle down. I know all of those things cause me pain and although I miss them, it feels so much better not to eat them. Give it a try and see how it goes for a few days. It will definitely be worth it to feel better!