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Nov 15, 2007
I put this under food/diet because it has to one of the weirdest things I've come across so far. I've found that drinking beer acts as a natural laxative for me. I'm not talking about getting drunk or trashed. If I drink a beer or two it seems to regulate my system without any other medications.

Has anyone else experienced this? Consuming small amounts of alcohol, what does it do to your system?
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Beer for me is the absolute worst! Even if i was to have half a pint or any more. So i never ever drink it (dont really like it anyway so i dont mind! lol) I find that most carbonated drinks are also a problem, especially lemonade or coke. ( i can handle about a small bottle then i would notice the 'laxative' effect.)
In terms of alcohol i tend to drink red wine most because iv found that (not too much) actually helps to 'bung me up' a bit! Which is great! If im going out i will tend to drink vodka and juices, like cranberry or orange juice.
So for me it all depends on how much i drink.
Hmm, wonder if it's the alcohol or the yeast? Like, I've heard/read 'offhand' that a lot of folks with Celiac or Celiac like conditions HAVE to be extremely careful about the 'type' of alcohol they consume... Tho it's a myth about there being a yeastless form of alcohol, some types of fermentation and post filtration remove most traces of the yeast... And I wonder if part of the remedy you experience isn't from the effects of post digestion of yeast still fermenting, and 'forcing' things to move along? Akin to possibly the 'push' one might get from carbonated beverages.... altho with a lot less pressure. Just a thought...
Kev said:
Hmm, wonder if it's the alcohol or the yeast? Like, I've heard/read 'offhand' that a lot of folks with Celiac or Celiac like conditions HAVE to be extremely careful about the 'type' of alcohol they consume... Tho it's a myth about there being a yeastless form of alcohol, some types of fermentation and post filtration remove most traces of the yeast... And I wonder if part of the remedy you experience isn't from the effects of post digestion of yeast still fermenting, and 'forcing' things to move along? Akin to possibly the 'push' one might get from carbonated beverages.... altho with a lot less pressure. Just a thought...

I don't think that there is any yeast in Vodka. Or are you only talking beer?
It could be the yeast process. I'd have to do a control and drink something like Vodka .. as Creepy mentioned I don't think it has yeast. That would help determine whether it was the alcohol or the yeast.
I used to think that vodka was yeast free.... but in checking into it, a website on yeast sensitivities specifically stated fermentation is not possible without yeast. It could be that 'yeast' is artificially added to most alcohol production, yet it can and does occur naturally (basically just another biotic)... or that many think that all vodkas are potatoe based... Again, not true... only very rarely made this way now

Course, the website could be wrong... Just because something is posted don't make it 'factual'...
Kev said:
I used to think that vodka was yeast free.... but in checking into it, a website on yeast sensitivities specifically stated fermentation is not possible without yeast. It could be that 'yeast' is artificially added to most alcohol production, yet it can and does occur naturally (basically just another biotic)... or that many think that all vodkas are potatoe based... Again, not true... only very rarely made this way now

Course, the website could be wrong... Just because something is posted don't make it 'factual'...

You've ruined my faith Kev. I believed _everything_ I read on the internet :lol:

My thought and I'm probably completely off base here is that the alcohol was a factor if there is indeed as I suspect a bacterial component actively going on right now.
As I recall, we've had a similar exchange on another thread a while back. So at the risk of repeating myself, please let me exclaim: Beer is nature's most perfect food!!! :beerchug:

I don't care how badly I feel, a beer can most always make me feel better. If I can't/don't want a beer, there's something really wrong with me. :cheerss:
Kev said:
Hmm, wonder if it's the alcohol or the yeast? Like, I've heard/read 'offhand' that a lot of folks with Celiac or Celiac like conditions HAVE to be extremely careful about the 'type' of alcohol they consume... Tho it's a myth about there being a yeastless form of alcohol, some types of fermentation and post filtration remove most traces of the yeast... And I wonder if part of the remedy you experience isn't from the effects of post digestion of yeast still fermenting, and 'forcing' things to move along? Akin to possibly the 'push' one might get from carbonated beverages.... altho with a lot less pressure. Just a thought...

Here in Canada there is only one gluten-free beer (unless you live in Manitoba, then I'm jealous of you..). This gluten-free beer is made only of rice, hops, buckwheat, and water. No yeast...probably why the beer expire after 3-5 months, but if they are past their expiry date they just lose a bit of fizz..and it sure don't send me to the bathroom.
Sure it's expensive paying $18.80 for a 6-pack, but really who can watch HNIC without a beer or two or three?? :ycool:

Anyways, I used to be friends with someone who had crohn's and i remember him saying he couldn't drink beer when he didn't have his crohn's meds (just don't ask me which one, ha).

Vodka is always a good option ;). I need to be careful with that though, got glutened once from drinking American vodka..

~ Lisa ~
Yeah, think one has to be careful.. I wouldn't read into a labeled 'gluten free' product that it is also 'yeast' free.. The part of this all that bothers me is how a product can form alcohol if there isn't 'yeast' of some kind. is it even 'possible'???

I've heard that there are some 'filtration' processes that will remove most/all any remaining 'yeast' once the desired level of alcohol is reached.. but again, I don't know if that is fact, or just advertising 'hype'. and, of course, not all of the 'suspect' yeast is found in alcohol... fresh bread, fresh pizza dough/crust..
so, an xtra large combo pizza with the works AND a 6 pack of beer may NOT be the 'best' choice for dinner... even tho it sure sounds good. 'SIGH' "BIG SIGH"
Kev, I only wish I could have a normal pizza with normal beer instead of settling for $3+ bottles of beer and $8 for a 6" rice pizza with cheese the only topping...I think it's part of the reason why I'm kinda anti-social...

Now it's your fault I have a craving for pizza :tongue:
~ Lisa ~
Wellll, bear in mind that this is anecdotal folklore at best, and potentially "WRONG" at worst, but i've heard/read.. perhaps even dreamt/hallucinated that cold filtered beverages... cold filtered beer, cold filtered alcohol... like some vodkas.. have less remaining yeast as the cold kills them... Some other micro filtration processes may have similar effect... There may be other folks on here with 'factual knowledge' of this... mine is second hand or poor memory based.... and I know just enuff not to trust either that info or my recollections.

I think what you said is pretty accurate. I used to brew beer as a hobby. I would get together with some friends about once a month and we would brew a couple of batches. The alcohol content was determined by the type of yeast and how much you used. I've seen where too much yeast was added and it blew the top off the secondary fermenter.

Anyway, a week or two after adding the yeast to the batch it was time to bottle it. We used 22 oz. bottles. We didn't have any type of elaborate filtering system like the breweries(basically a funnel with a fine screen). After letting the beer mature for about 2-4 week's it was time to test it.

There was usually about a 1/4-1/2" of sediment at the bottom of the bottle and you wouldn't want to drink that. Most of that was from the hops and yeast and some of the grains. If I'm making any sense here I believe that if you were to look at a lager that was cold filtered versus an ale you would not see any sediment at the bottom of a lager bottle and see some in the bottle of a microbrew which might contain some yeast residue.

Man I miss those days. It's just not worth the risk on my innards.
I don't drink because it hurts my insides.... they go "WHAT ARE YOU DOING TO ME"... also... I just don't like the taste of alcohol... especially beer and vodka... vodka tastes like nail polish remover(IMO)

Oh... and you guys are right, vodka is made from potatoes but can also be made from sorghum, corn, wheat, or rye (which would make them gluten-y), and to get higher proofs they distill it over and over again to release the water molecules from it... I'm assuming this extracts a lot of the yeast too. Then they add water to it to cut down the alcohol content to make it legal. Originally, before distillation, an alcohol could only have a 14 or 15% alcohol in them naturally.... however, if the beverage is distilled over and over again, an alcohol of about 95-96% is available but illegal in some states (190-191 proof).
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I have no problem drinking beer or alcohol. I would not drink if I were sick. :beerchug: You have drank the wrong Vodka. Try some Grey Goose or some Skyy Vodka.
katiesue1506 said:
vodka tastes like nail polish remover(IMO)
college student- no money... HA grey goose; like I'm a celeb or something :)

--- yeah it was russian vodka... in a red and clear bottle
I'm not a huge vodka fan either but for the sake of argument its a good booze to use in examples. I do love beer though. Its one of the most often asked questions of me, can you drink being sick? Well I have found I can. I don't like getting trashed or anything though because I like to maintain my wits and lets face it. Despite the fact that Jeff made a good point in another thread, I don't want to claim crohns for crapping myself whilst drinking =)
I find that the alcohol makes my crohn's flare if I drink over 2 or more days. Say a trip to vegas or something. When I am already sck it's the worst.

Someone mentioned Lemonade and Coke. I love them, but those are the worst for me; especially lemoneade.

Anyone experience this?
Welll, i've heard that alcohol can play havoc with the 'good' mucous (sp?) lining the GI tract... And it tends to dehydrate folks... and dehydration can make pains with GI tract worse... And, of course, the yeast thingy aside, there are varying levels of sugar in alcohol... fructose, sucrose... and those are just the food items the 'bad' bugs thrive on. I was never a big drinker... thanks in part to my folks who drank rarely... thanks in part to all the times I had to deal with drunks as either bouncer at clubs or a cab driver... and thanks in part to my own nature... Like, some folks who 'over' indulge get confrontational, others get mushy... I always got playfull... but lost all respect for my own strength or that some things AREN'T funny.. Demolished a friend of a friends kitchen once just 'carrying' on.. Put another fellow thru a plate glass display case... The list goes on N on. didn't mean to hijack this thread with my drunken meandering down memory lane.. Just think that, except in really cautious moderation, any form of alcohol for anyone with a compromised GI tract is like playing with fire.
But you know, really, in all the literature I've read regarding Crohn's and/or UC, I've read nothing that says I cannot or should not drink beer. Granted, when my liver got sick because of the Remicade, I backed off in an effort to get the acute hepatitis resolved. I still contend, beer is good for ME. I will not hazard to speak for anyone else. But I can feel on fire and bloated to the hilt and a beer will make me feel better. Drew, I'm with you. Like I've said before, Beer is nature's most perfect food!!
I've got dozens of bottles of wine in the cellar.... Merlots, Pinot Noirs, Cabernets...

and theres a very nice beer made locally... Clancy's Amber... Awesome...

That doesn't change the fact that all the info I've seen, read, heard or been told by GI, nurse practioner, dietician, or nutrition counsellor, advise against consuming alcohol. I wish that weren't the case.. but wishing doesn't make it so either.

Kev said:
I've got dozens of bottles of wine in the cellar.... Merlots, Pinot Noirs, Cabernets...

and theres a very nice beer made locally... Clancy's Amber... Awesome...

That doesn't change the fact that all the info I've seen, read, heard or been told by GI, nurse practioner, dietician, or nutrition counsellor, advise against consuming alcohol. I wish that weren't the case.. but wishing doesn't make it so either.


Blame it on me =( for bringing up the subject.
Naaayh... Blame it on the IBD... and, if the LDN keeps working, who knows? I may reach a point where a cold beer on a Saturday nite, or a glass of wine with sunday supper just might be in the cards... and not feel its like playing russian roulette with my GI tract...
I have pretty much quit drinking over the past year or so. I will have an occasional drink, nut not like I used to. Since I had Crohns, Beer was the absolute worst thing I could drink. It would make me so gassy and I would spend as much time in the Bathroom emptying my bowels as I would my bladder. Liqour on the other hand was a different story. Like most people with Crohns, I have loose bowel movements every day, but when I would drink my favorite ( Crown and Coke ) it would make me almost normal. Don't know what it was. I am on so much pain medicine now with acetimenophen that I had to quit drinking before my liver popped out of my body and punched me in the head.
Well, r.c., the r.c. N c. tightening things up where they were otherwise loose makes sense... alcohol dehydrates, which would mean less fluids in the GI tract.
Beer seems to do just fine for me. I'm grateful because I'm a home-brewer. I would hate to give up that hobby. In fact, being a grad-student makes me drink more than usual sometimes. (long days at the lab, in fact I'm at the lab right now at 11pm)... I need a beer.

I do agree, drinking does help me be regular. Except of course if I drink too much, then I'm dehydrated.

But here's to brewing a nice hefeweizen this Sunday!

edit- Normally for alcoholic drinks, yeast (a uni-cellular fungus) are the primary produces or alcohol. But there are many types of bacteria that also produce alcohol as a byproduct as well. Yeast's production of alcohol was evolved as a defense mechanism to most bacteria and other unicellular organisms, as alcohol is toxic to many unicellular organisms.
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When my Crohns was really active, I found that beer made me feel awful. I would usually throw up after a single pint (not from being too drunk). I don't know if it was the carbonation or the yeast, probably a little bit of both. At that time, I pretty much abstained from drinking all together.
Once my symptoms became more mild though, I found that drinking straight whiskey actually made me feel a little better. I have a theory about why that is, although it is probably totally off base:
If there is a link between Crohns and the MAP bacteria, which I believe there is, it is possible that the strong alcoholic content of whiskey could kill off a portion of the MAP bacteria in your gut.
A few years ago, I was camping in Israel. One day, two of my friends decided to drink water from a natural stream (a very bad idea). That night, we did a fair amount of drinking. One of my friends drank only beer and the other drank only whiskey. The one who drank beer ended up violently ill and had to go to the hospital because of some bacteria in the water he drank. The guy who drank whiskey was totally fine. The doctor said that it was probably because the whiskey he drank killed off all of the harmful bacteria.
I know that MAP bacteria is embedded pretty deep in the gut, and I'm not suggesting that hard alcohol can eliminate it, but it is possible that it would kill off some of it.

Just a thought.

Welllllll, when I first joined the forum, I think I came across as an alcholic. One of the things doctors N nutritionists AGREED on (damn them) was that alcohol was a big no no. First, alcohol deteriorate the mucosal lining. Second, it dehydrates so it can increase cramping, pain, damage.. Third, it is or was dervived from sugars, and is often combined with other sugars while being consumed, and sugars are a great food source for the bad bugs.. Lastly, those containing active yeast can alter our internal flora, increase our gas levels, tip the scales in favor of the bad gut bugs..

Aside from perhaps easing tension in social gatherings or settings, as a simple food stuff it really offers us nothing but potential troubles; and ain't we got nuff of them already? I love(d) making my own wine, having a glass or two (or a bit more on the odd occasion) with a fine meal... maybe once or twice a week. And I enjoy a nice cold beer... used to go out and have a couple of those once per month... occasionally twice. (yeah, easy to see I'm a hard core alcoholic, right)

I miss my glass of wine. I miss my occasional beer. But I know I can live without them, and I think I can live 'better' without them. Wish it weren't so.
wow, interesting thread! I drink less and less these days because alcohol doesn't like me so much. I get dehydrated very easily and when I drink, even if it's just a little, I'll spend the entire next day completely lethargic because I'm so weak and dehydrated. Interesting thoughts on the whiskey and MAP, I just came across the MAP research today so this is a new concept for me. My symptoms are so similar to Celiac that I tend to follow a more gluten-free diet and I find it really helps a lot. I like Redbridge beer by Anheuser-Busch. There's also New Grist which is supposed to be a beer but tastes more like a cider.
I guess because I was diagnosed with Crohn's at 14 and not able to drink in the states combined with taking meds that say don't take with alcohol I have just never been a drinker. I would love to go to Belgium again and have a nice beer or two but I personally have just never really liked the smell of alcohol. I think I'm just one of those odd If I want to act drunk I just wont sleep for a few days and well see who has more fun:)
Hi I'm new to this - the Beer title caught my attention. My Husband can't drink certain (cheap light) beers because they go right through him. I admit to having actually bought the cheapest beer I could find to try this ( at the time remedy) at his suggestion! But it does not go through me. The only thing that has helped me has been Holy Tea. I find I can eat a more forgiving diet and am grateful for having found this ...

"As a member of the medical community, I was quite familiar with the causes, symptoms, and treatments available for Crohn's. I became much more knowledgeable in this regard as I became a victim of this so-called incurable disorder. There is absolutely no doubt in my mind as to the effectiveness and medical principals behind Dr. Miller's Tea. I have experienced personally the pain and discomfort that results from Crohn's and I have also done exhaustive research into the possible treatments and cures. Dr. Miller's Tea is the only viable solution I am aware of for treating and clearing up this dreaded disease."
- Dr. Dennis Read, Jackson, TN
younghealth said:
Hi I'm new to this - the Beer title caught my attention. My Husband can't drink certain (cheap light) beers because they go right through him. I admit to having actually bought the cheapest beer I could find to try this ( at the time remedy) at his suggestion! But it does not go through me. The only thing that has helped me has been Holy Tea. I find I can eat a more forgiving diet and am grateful for having found this ...

"As a member of the medical community, I was quite familiar with the causes, symptoms, and treatments available for Crohn's. I became much more knowledgeable in this regard as I became a victim of this so-called incurable disorder. There is absolutely no doubt in my mind as to the effectiveness and medical principals behind Dr. Miller's Tea. I have experienced personally the pain and discomfort that results from Crohn's and I have also done exhaustive research into the possible treatments and cures. Dr. Miller's Tea is the only viable solution I am aware of for treating and clearing up this dreaded disease."
- Dr. Dennis Read, Jackson, TN

May I respectfully ask why your username is a portion of the web address you linked in your sole post? You should intro yourself if not to join as a cybersalesperson.
Am sitting here laughing Katiesue - thats a great game. Shows how "responsible" they are - NOT.
Well - I may never get up to the number of posts you have, perhaps I can't count that high. I will try not to get offended as you are clearly actively suffering. And I am not actually trying to make a living selling tea. I did sign up to get it at cost. I suppose I could have hidden this.... Anyway - I wouldn't think it a cure. Good luck to you all.
younghealth said:
Well - I may never get up to the number of posts you have, perhaps I can't count that high. I will try not to get offended as you are clearly actively suffering. And I am not actually trying to make a living selling tea. I did sign up to get it at cost. I suppose I could have hidden this.... Anyway - I wouldn't think it a cure. Good luck to you all.

This isn't about post counts, I mentioned "sole post" because you jumped into this forum without much of a background briefing, and the one you did was so short it fell into the profile of a spammer, and was followed by an even longer quote from a doctor. Very similar to people coming here promising miracle cures trying to make a buck. I kept my post up in the air because I could not verify the validity of your presence here, and I was simply asking for more of a background. I didn't mean to condescend or offend you, I was trying to clarify your intentions because, sorry to say, we get plenty of "junk mail" and spam here and it's insulting. No worries, you're welcome as long as you are here for noble reasons.
I am not here for noble reasons - do I get to stay???

>Isla sighs slightly looking up with her puppy dog eyes<

Benson looks down, out over the forums

>Isla then squats down and pees on his shoe<

- Too late, I already marked my territory ;)

>Isla runs away<


Sooooo many people come on here in exactly the same style you did with your first post raving about something they are using and then put a quote as you did. It turns out a very high percentage of the time they are peddaling something. You having looked at the different topics were able to discern where to put your post so you could also have introduced yourself as Benson rightly asked of you!

You are more than welcome but please tell us more about yourself on the welcome threads or tone down your comments about this product til we get to know you a bit better. Thanks.
Pen said:
he says it makes him bloat.
I've got the same problem. Course, I'm not too keen on the flavor of most beer anyway, so it's not an issue. Cider, on the other hand...I could drink Magners all day. Unfortunately (or perhaps fortunately, after that last statement) the nearest place I can get it from is in Chicago. We had it in New York when we were there for a convention and between Magners and Irish Mist I forgot how we got back to the hotel that night...:cheerss: :ybatty:

Woodchuck Amber's an okay substitute though.
I've tried alcohol even when I'm feeling good with my Crohn's and it always sends me on extra bathroom trips. I was trying it for the health benefits of drinking small quantities of wine every day but it really wasnt worth it IMO...obviously irritating and I'd imagine larger quantities can do some serious damage to me. People who dont even have bowel disease can get diarrhea from alcohol too...they call em something like the "beer craps" around here. I tried beer, wine, mead, vodka...couldnt tolerate any. After reading this I guess I'm not the only one. :lol:

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