Hey everyone, so I finally have my long awaited Crohn's specialist appointment next week and I'm pretty terrified. Had a really bad experience with the guy who diagnosed me. He later refused to treat me. Or rather said he said I would be fine without medication and I continued to get sick and he stopped returning my phone calls, I waited 15 weeks before finally trying to find a new doctor. And that's not an exaggeration, I wrote it down on the calendar, once I got to the 15th week, I gave up. My pharmacist was asking me about how the doctor thing was going and I told her and she was like "maybe he died..."
So anyways, really terrified that I will waste several hours driving to this specialist, get told "eh, you don't need medication" and then send me on my several hours drive home with no help, again. Any suggestions? I got all my records transferred from the last gastroenterologists and from the hospital, including the colonoscopy, endoscopy, fluoroscopy, and IBD blood panel. I have my diet/sickness journal ready to go, it has dates and times (the old doctor refused to let me tell him anything from it, which if not for my mother's intervention, I would have just left the room immediately), I have my medication list, is there anything I'm forgetting? I'm really upset just in general about this lol. I almost canceled last week out of cowardice on the grounds of "if this doc doesn't treat me, I'm truly out of options, unless I want to drive like 6 hours to the next specialist."
What do you guys think? Any advice would be appreciated. Thank you for your time.