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dear highlandsrock: I see my new Gastroenterologist on October 22nd and I am going to ask him for a Bile Malabsorption test because I think I have it. He is a very new doctor to me and I don't even know if I like him or not. I am going to see him this month and then I will decide if I am going to keep him or move on to a different doctor. My new patient visit lasted about ten minutes. Then I had a colonoscopy. Instead of him scheduling a follow up visit to discuss the colonoscopy results with me, he just had his office girl call me to tell me what the results were. I think I should have had a follow up visit to discuss with him face to face the results and about any future treatment. If I don't get a good "vibe" from my next visit, I will be looking for another doctor.

Thanks for listening.
