Bleeding - When do you go to hospital?

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May 7, 2013
Hey guys,

I'm still pretty new to Crohn's, though I've had it for 15 years I have only been treated since December. Anyway, I have been having noticeable rectal bleeding for 2 days. Today it was enough to color the toilet bowl a rusty red color (not the bright red I see when my hemorrhoid is irritated, and MUCH more than it usually bleeds out.

I called my GI but he and his nurse are off today, so I won't hear anything til tomorrow about what to do. I'm panicking a little as bleeding is a relatively new symptom for me. I'm having moderate achy cramps and diarrhea too.

Any thoughts on how bad you let it get before you go into the ER? Trying not to overreact and get $2k worth of bills for something silly.
When the bleeding is important enough that the water in the toilet bowl is red, I usually wait a couple of days (4-5) to see if the situation will improve. If not, I call my doctor or go to the ER if I can't reach him. That being said, if the pain gets really bad or if the bleeding occurs out of nowhere (i.e. outside of the bathroom), I wouldn't wait if I were you.

But I have ulcerative colitis so maybe it's different? I'm not sure. I thought I'd write you something anyway. I know how stressful bleeding can be... Hang in there. Hope you'll be okay.
dont panic and wait for tomorrow to talk to your caregivers. They know your case and will know excatly what to do with you. your GI will most likely want to do a full colonoscopy pretty soon. but go with your feeling if you feel otherwise. I have had severe bloody D and mucous with big cramps 15 times and up /day and this doesnt happen overnight, it goes gradually.
I wated about 1 to 1.5 wks before i did. This was before i was diagnosed. I had little the first few days and then it looked like the red sea the next few days every time. I never got dizzy or felt worse from the bleeding. If you become weak or dizzy etc then i would go right away otherwise id give it a day or two and aee your normal doc.

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