Now before I say that "yeah, this works" I need to put a disclaimer on my statement. The fact that it is blended wont help if it is a substance that will generally irritate you. Like say you blended up a Big Mac (bad example I know) isnt going to help you at all and will make you sick. So keep in mind you should blend up practical things, and it doesnt get anymore practical than fruit because that is basically how they make fruit smoothies.
Anyway, I got this idea from a Vegan Crohn's Healing book recently and saw some interesting choices on the healing phase of the book. Bananas, Papayas, Mangoes were some of the fruit choices and I figured it would be better to eat them blended so I got enough calories. Think about it, eating 5 bananas is hard but if you blend them up you can drink that down in a few seconds and get a good 500+? calories for breakfast. Pretty damn cheap too.
So anyway, I drank FRUIT smoothies for breakfast, lunch, and dinner for about a full week that consisted of these fruits. Sometimes it was Banana+Mango, sometimes Banana+Papaya, sometimes the fruit alone with just ice. All you do is buy a lot of them and let them ripen on your table, then pop them in the blender with ice and water. I definitely feel doing this healed me up because 1) Had a solid bowel movements after about a week even though I lived with years of diarrhea 2) No more cramping 3) Only going 1-3 times a day depending on what else I eat that day....oh and btw on the smoothies alone I was going 0-1 per day eventually...completely normal again.
I'm still doing this diet, I do have about two meals of the fruit per day and found when I keep my dinner choice steamed vegetables I wont have problems. My only beverage is water also I cut out tea/coffee and found it helped. Tough diet to follow obviously and I have strayed from it but I'm back on it now because I'm convinced it works...better than SCD or any diet I've tried actually. I mean, it would not be hard if I was raised a fruit eater but I was raised a meat eater like most other people and am used to convenience food. I'm starting to lose my taste for all that junk I used to eat though and I'm sure my colon is too...goodluck with your blending. :lol:
Oh and watch your food combinations too. Fruit is best eaten alone IMO if you choose to blend some up. I used to think fruit was a trigger food but found it was because I was eating it within the same time as meat, grains, cheeses, etc. Fruit alone is like my medicine lie.