Blood...and lots of it

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Jul 7, 2010
blood...and lots of it

Soo for the past month I've been in and out of the hospital and I had c diff which I think I cleared now. I had blood done and its all good except my anemia and liver enzymes whatever that means. So I've bad like gushing blood for 4 days (and I mean a lot!!) Its bright red and sometimes has like snot stuff mixed on the toliet paper. I went to ER and they didn't seem concerned even though my GI sent me. Now today I have started my period and I'm bleeding from both ends!!!! I keep perocet in my system but hardly does anything. My stomach where my belly button is, below that and the lower right is sore but only the middle is a little hard and swollen. Could this be from my period or the rectal bleeding? Suppose to be starting remicade and I'm on 40 mg prednisone even though this round I've lost 16 lbs!
Wow. The ER was not concerned? Um, I am speechless here. Are you feeling faint or anything like that? I have no idea about the hard, swollen area you are describing. Please be careful.
Good luck,
Hi! Your symptoms are quite alarming and you should be in immediate medical care.
ER staff can vary in differing degrees of expertise.
Suggest you get in touch with your GI again and let him/her know what is happening.
Hard to say what the pain might be due to, but you could have an abscess hidden away .
It is important that you seek the right care.
Hope you will soon feel better
Why did the GI send you to the ER, can he not arrange admission to the gastro ward himself if necessary? In the UK if the gastro consultant feels you need admission he just admits you to his ward and you don't go anywhere near the ER.
I just saw your post moments after posting my own about bleeding??? ...I'm a regular bleeder and looking for answers for me. I don't have any advice for you, but hope you find some relief soon.
If I were you, I would make an appt with a Colorectal surgeon and let him or her take a look. They have the most expertise with problems in that area. I guess the ER was not concerned because the blood being bright red means bleeding from near the anus. So to them, not an "emergency" where you will die if not treated that minute.

But, very concerning with the anemia. When you say gushing, have you actually captured and measured the blood? Or just judged from the red in the bowl? Just a few drops of blood can turn a bowl red.
seeing red...

Hi Ava,
Sorry to hear that you have been in and out of hospital.
There are several variations of liver tests, but basically they just wanna see how it's working and possibly how medication is affecting you.(?)
LFT = liver function test
You've seen these on paperwork. (ALb, ALT, AST, ALP, TBIL, cBIL and GGT)
I have had similar bleeding with mucous, but never gushed for 4 days, which is a concern.
Especially if you are already low in iron.

"I went to ER and they didn't seem concerned even though my GI sent me."
Wow, this sounds crazy. I guess you need to find someone who will be concerned and take action.
At the very least let this GI know that ER sat on their hands.

Sorry for your suffering, hang in there!

ps I just dropped a quick 15 lbs too
Thanks for the replies everyone. I'm still having the bleeding and the pain :( the blood isn't just a few drops its more like instead of having diahrea I am peeing blood out of my bum. Gross I know. I am going to my GI today to see what he has to say. Its pretty bad that a 19 year old doesn't want to get out of bed and has to live on pain killers! I'm hoping he will start me on remicade ASAP. Otherwise I know I will be in tears begging for some sort of option because I simply can't live like this. I know it could be worse but for me this is my rock bottom. There's only one ER doc I like bc he knows of crohns and admitted me before but the other I just had was like "hm losing blood? Let's take 5 vials and send it to the lab" I even brought in a sample of the blood and showed pictures!!! I will update with any info I receieve today. Thanks to you all!!!

And walt I can't help but LOL at your part on the signature saying crohns isn't as fun as in the brochure deff put a smile on my face! :)
Update! Just left dr. My c diff is still positive which I guess is why I'm bleeding having the horrible pain and vomitting. I'm on welchol and vancomysn until wed and if I'm not better I get readmitted to the hospital. Ahh. I just want something to stop the pain!! Now my concern is what kind of damage has the c diff done? I know my dr said its very serious and contagious and can eat holes in your colon. AND that it can take months for it to go away!! :(
Hey fellow bleeder. I just talked to my doc in Chicago - & she's having me start cortical (???) enemas, medro dose steroid pack (she said it's like a super fast burst & taper of steroids but NOT prednisone), & increasing my Humira to weekly. I too have to get tested for c-diff again. Last test was negative. Does this test come back false negative?? Anyway, can't wait to collect more poo. :). I'm going to try to get a "nasty" one for them. Lol
I can totally feel your frustration. I just went through probably $30,000 of more tests only to be as sick as I was pre-treatment with nothing new found. Ugh!!!! But at least it's not eating my small intestine or giving me fistula. Good to know.
Good luck! Let's have a contest to see who can stop bleededing first. ;-)
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I bleed quite bad when im flaring , was in hospital just over a week ago as was fainting, doc's thought it was dehydration , turns out id lost 3 pints of blood and ended up needing a transfusion. Now on Iron Tablets as Anaemic , hoping it doesn't happen again , very scary

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