Blood Test Results

Crohn's Disease Forum

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Apr 4, 2014
Hey guys,

I'm not sure if this is in the right place or not so I apologize now if it has to be moved. Right now I'm undiagnosed but suspect Crohns. I've had stomach problems for as far back as I can remember (I'm 26). I had my gallbladder out 4 years ago and I thought my issues were always related to that but apparently they are entirely unrelated. I've been seen in the ER two times in the past 4 months which led me to be more consistent with drs and trying to figure out what's going on inside of me. Anyways the main reason for my post is I had a follow up with my GP today to go over blood test results. My iron levels were way down, I was told I'm anemic (something I've never been told before), my white blood cell count was high and my vitamin D levels are low. Is this "normal" for crohns? If it is, does anyone have any iron supplements they recommend for sensitive stomachs? I'm still very new to this so any help is appreciated.

I don't know if it is important at all but my first appointment with the GI is on June 2 so I havent been put on meds or done any scopes yet.

Thanks guys!

Moved to the Blood Test subforum for you. :)

That's "normal" for active Crohn's. You should ask to get tested for inflammation (you can do this even with your GP), and possibly request a colonoscopy (with biopsy! Insist on this). Inflammation causes internal bleeding (or passing blood) and leads to anemia in a number of cases with Crohn's, myself included.

Proferrin is the only iron supplement I've tried that hasn't caused any stomach problems! I really recommend it.

Glad to hear you have an appointment with the GI soon. I hope it goes well and you find some answers!
Thanks so much for the response and moving my thread to the right place!

It's good to know that my blood tests were "normal" for crohns and I'm not having another issue going on. Is a vitamin D deficiency a normal thing? Is that from not absorbing nutrients (not that I've been eating many nutrient rich foods since I'm still doing low residue until GI)?

What kind of test is done to determine inflammation? Ideally I would like to get a colonoscopy with biopsy and endoscopy so hopefully my GI is on board with that.

Thank you for the iron recommendation. I guess I'll be going vitamin shopping today. A great way to bring in the holiday weekend here on the Jersey Shore!
Yep! Vitamin D deficiency as well as others is pretty normal. With Crohn's (when active) we malabsorb nutrients so we end up getting pretty low on a number of things, so it's definitely something to keep an eye on.

And first there's a blood test for inflammation usually. And it sounds like you have the right idea about the scopes! Colonoscopy usually only allows the doctor to see the colon, whereas an endoscopy would let them also see the small intestine which is where the malabsorption issues would stem from.

Good luck with everything, and I hope you still manage to enjoy your weekend!
The endoscopy will not see the entirety of the small bowel, only into the very top part. Whereas, the colonoscopy would only see into the very bottom part, barely into the terminal ileum of the small bowel and sometimes not at all due to inflammation. Vitamin D and other vitamins are absorbed in this area so if there is inflammation or scar tissue from chronic inflammation it can cause malabsorption.

Sometimes an MRI, CT, MRE(magnetic resonance enterography) or pill cam is used to visualize the entirety of the small bowel to check for inflammation.

Good luck with scopes and quick answers and healing!
Thank you guys so much for your advice and input! I hope I am going to a good GI. I'm so nervous that he's not going to be on board with the tests my dr and I feel I need. I guess I'm just having new dr anxiety :/

Is it possible for crohns to be diagnosed based on your symptoms and blood tests? My dr seems pretty confident it is crohns but at this point it's up to the gi I guess.
Usually they prefer to diagnose with colonoscopy and biopsy since it manifests so differently for everyone. Nice as it would be to just get a blood test and get it confirmed. :p