Can I visit a relative who is being treated for Meningitis whilst on Infliximab infusions?

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Aug 29, 2012
Hi all,

Need some advice quite urgently. My gran is in hospital being treated for meningitis. My mum and auntie have said that I cant go in as i'm onto infliximab infusion no.4 so my immune system is classed as too high risk. Does anyone know if this is the case? Ideally I want to go and see her as she's really confused with it and quite poorly.

Thanks xx
They are correct unfortunately. Most Crohn's meds are immunosuppresant, making you a higher risk for diseases and infections. And if you were to catch it, its a lot harder to overcome.
I'm not saying I would risk it but have you received the meninogococcal vaccine? I don't know for exactly how long the people that get it remains contagious, I believe it 7-10 days, it also depends if its viral or bacterial. But yeah, it would be safer to avoid going...
even if you have the vaccine, there are other things in a hospital that you could possibly pick up. If you can, avoid hanging out in hospitals, too risky.
This must be frustrating for you. Can you "visit" by Skype or just talk to her on the phone. It's probably too dangerous for you to go see her there.