Can you get a "flush out" and fluid meals?

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Oct 1, 2011
hi all,

i was just wondering is it worth asking my specialist if there is any chance of being able to have a permanent "valve" in my arm for example which would allow me to take in fluid for calories and to help keep my body well?

i was once offered chance of having a tube up my nose and then a high calorie and vitamin drink which i could pump through the tube but i would prefer to have the valve?

also is there anything that can help "flush out" your body of the rubbish foods etc which would help balance my body?
Have you thought about some of the liquid feeds? They are easily digested and highly nutritious for a weakened body. Electrolyte drinks are also important if you are having a lot of diarrhea. This is a far better way to exist than having valves and pumps installed.
The body is extremely efficient when it comes to 'flushing' out rubbish. The liver is a masterpiece! It has an enormous capacity to remove toxins, and the bowel regularly flushes itself with several liters of fluid daily. If you do your best not to put rubbish in, then that also makes the task a lot easier.

good luck.
hi thanks for replying.

liquid feeds are they just like drinks? i have been given one before in a very small carton (reminded me of milk back at school) but the tastes and smells made it impossible to drink...

what are the liquid feeds? can it be a supplement to a healthy diet or is it for pure liquid diet only?

do they taste nice?

yes i have been feeling well recently then taken some bad takeaways in such a short amount of time i feel i need to recleanse myself and start back with potatoes rice and chicken for a few weeks to give my body chance to rest and reheal.
Intravenous food is usually done through the neck, or sometimes chest, a place with a big enough vein. They use arms for vitamins, medicine etc, but they're not big enough to get a liquid diet through, and technically it's not a liquid diet, it's stuff like Baxter and Nutricia makes. I've had neck supplementation when I had just gotten crohn at 18 because I was underweight. It's not really something enjoyable, you are always hooked, it can infect, they need to leave it out ever so often to clean it, etc. Unless you are seriously underweight I don't know why you would want one. if you want a liquid diet

I don't know what people mean with "cleanse out". Many antibiotics cleanse out your gut I guess, Amoxicillin will make you have D and it will kill off many bacteria in your gut, you'll be cleaned but you'll also be wide open to bacteria and infections. There i no way I know of to clean out your gut while not affecting your ecosystem. Crohn also isn't limited to mucosa, you can't remove the issue by cleaning out your gut, everyone would be cured by now if that was possible. Crohn happens in mucosa and in layers deep inside your gut too.
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They probably gave you an elemental feed (in a carton) bboyzeez, and they taste disgusting. Something like Ensure Plus is much better tasting. And yes you can drink them supplemental to your normal diet.
Your idea about returning to a plain diet for a while sounds perfect!
thanks kiny im gonna check out that website and that episode of food hospital :)

yes handle it was probs something like that :) very rank and not going to take them :)

ill look at ensure plus they taste nice or are they just drinkable?

today consisted of potatoes , chicken , lacto free milk and rice krispies... hoping tomorrow i am feeling better
you guys must be joking, the liquid diet elemental 028 "new " flavours are all rank and not tolerable....

guess i will have to stick to my basic foods and no junk food and keep on the weed :)