Candida - irresponsible alternative medicine?

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Oct 18, 2012
When in hospital recently, I acquired an infection from a central line that had been placed in my neck so that I could receive TPN. I started getting fevers, my blood tests showed signs of infection, so the doctors took a blood sample. Apparently it was a special kind of sample; nurses couldn't take blood, it had to be done by a doctor. They spent a few days growing cultures on it, and when the results came back, they told me I had candida, a fungus, that had infected my bloodstream.

I was treated first with IV anti-fungals for a few weeks, then with oral anti-fungals. The treatment worked very effectively, and cultures done a couple of weeks later showed the infection had completely gone.

However, it could have been a pretty serious thing: I had my eyes, skin, vagina, heart, mouth and throat all tested for the infection, even though they told me the risk of it spreading was low as it was caught early. But at the worst point, I had a temperature over 40, so I was pretty sick.

But since I've been out of hospital, I've been doing some googling to find out more about it, and was reminded that many years ago, when doctors were telling me I just had Irritable Bowel Syndrome and I went in desperation to alternative health practitioners, I'd come across candida back then.

It seems it's been grabbed by alternative medicine, as a condition that can cause virtually any symptom, and which can be treated through a very strict diet and various supplements.

E.g sites like this one:

Why are sites like this telling people they have candida in their digestive system, bloodstream or elsewhere? Why are they telling people candida causes their fatigue, IBS, food allergies, and just about every other symptom or medical condition you can think of?

I know that women get thrush, I believe that's also a form of candida, and it's a very horrible thing, though a different condition from the type of infection that I had. But why are alternative practitioners telling people they have candida, when clearly if they really did and they saw any conventional doctor, the doctor would send them to hospital, they'd be diagnosed via blood tests, and treated with anti-fungals? There would have been a specific cause of the infection, and there'd be no mention of special diets or supplements, or how candida was the cause of their fatigue or their eczema or whatever.

Because I was taken advantage of by alternative practitioners, not so much with the idea of candida, but with similar conditions, like food intolerances and "leaky gut"; conditions which may have some real medical counterpart, but are being used in alternative medicine in some very un-scientific way, it makes me cross to see people trying to convince others that candida is the cause of their symptoms, and probably try to get them to but some products or books or have a consultation, or put themselves on incredibly restrictive diets for months.

I've seen enough threads on this forum to know that some members here have tried some similarly restrictive diets or alternative supplements, and I also know that, unlike me, some people here claim such alternative practices have helped them.

Am I missing something? Is there some other type of candida that genuinely can be cured by giving up sugar, and which doesn't require you to be sent to hospital? Have people tried to convince you it is the cause of your Crohn's/Colitis symptoms? I know that I had the candida, and I know it was cured by anti-fungals with no diet changes or supplements - I had the blood results to prove it. Why take such a potentially serious condition and tell people that they have it, when there is no evidence to support the idea?

Sorry, I'm just rambling. I used to be very gullible, and very desperate to be cured, and I'm sure I'm not the only one. I'd love to hear others' thoughts on this - and if you completely disagree with me and believe candida as presented by alternative medicine is real and can be treated through diet and supplements, I'd love to hear that too. I'm very open to hearing success stories if you've found healing through alternative medicine.
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Isn't this kind of ridiculous?

Your doctor might confuse any of the following conditions with Candida. The reason is that the symptoms are often exactly the same, and Candida may manifest itself in any combination of those symptoms.

We have listed here some of the possible misdiagnoses, together with the symptom that your doctor has focused on. Remember, your doctor is relying on you for an accurate description of your symptoms, so make sure you tell him everything!

IBS - abdominal pain, bloating, gas, diarrhea, indigestion
Arthritis - joint pain
Chronic Fatigue Syndrome - constant fatigue
Diaper Rash - rashes and itching in infants
Athlete’s Foot - Fungus on toenails
Crohn’s Disease - abdominal pain, bloating, gas, diarrhea, indigestion
Gastroenteritis - abdominal pain, bloating, gas, diarrhea, indigestion

A Candida misdiagnosis may actually worsen your Candida overgrowth. If your doctor believes that you have IBS, Crohn’s Disease or Gastroenteritis, he may prescribe the anti-inflammatory Cortisone. This introduces steroids to the gut, which can increase the growth of Candida colonies.

What doctor would make a diagnosis of Crohn's disease, and start treating it with cortisone, based only on symptoms?!
Not any reputable one as far as I know but then Im relatively new to all this. I do know that some diaper rashes are yeast (candida) based, as are vaginal yeast infections, and thrush. But all of those (and we have had them ALL between my 2 kids and my own history) have been cleared with anti-fungals. i do think that athletes foot must be related because i know the anti fungal that is used to treat it can be used to treat yeast diaper rash if one doesnt want to pay for the nystatin cream that the docs will write for (pediatrician told me that when my son was young)
This is following on from discussion on this thread:

Nym said:
Huh, wondering why the topic continually returns to you and your most unfortunate dealings with blood candida when the topic here is quite clearly "I Don't Know What to Eat Anymore" not 'I'm clueless about what to stick in my veins these days'. Therefore, as far as my brain in concerned that equals talking about the stomach and eating, not your blood candida. GUT candida.

But earlier Nym posted this:

You might be wondering, What on earth is candida? Candida is a fungus, which is a form of yeast, and a very small amount of it lives in your mouth and intestines. Its job is to aid with digestion and nutrient absorption but, when overproduced, candida breaks down the wall of the intestine and penetrates the bloodstream, releasing toxic byproducts into your body and causing leaky gut. This can lead to many different health problems, ranging from digestive issues to depression.

"Penetrates the bloodstream" How is that not talking about the bloodstream?????

And I asked you for evidence of candida being treated by bicarb and molasses. You didn't provide any. If someone actually had a candida infection affecting their bloodstream or their internal organs and you got them to take bicarb and molasses instead of getting proper treatment, you could kill them.

What you're talking about is a notion of candida popular in alternative medicine, and, as was shown in the links I posted on the other thread, there is no evidence that candida as portrayed in that notion actually exists. So if you must carry on suggesting to people on the Internet that you don't even know that they could have candida, could you at least make it clear that you're talking about the imaginary version?
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Candida has been spoken about countless times on the forum and more particularly diet based around controlling an overgrowth of yeast in the gut.

Do I believe that it is the catch all cause of numerous diseases and conditions? No.

Do I believe that for some reducing their intake if sugar helps control their symptoms or may assist in maintaining their remission? Yes.

Crohn’s is not a one size fits all disease and if it were as simple as Candida Albicans alone causing it then this forum wouldn’t exist.
I know some will think/say that big pharma is behind this to protect their profits. Well it goes without saying they are there to make profits, they are companies not charities. But by the same token CAM’s aren’t charities either and are also there to make profits through consultations and selling products. People have to make a living to live and hence that is why they say what they do.

Like any infection that moves from being localised to systemic it becomes a very serious issue that requires immediate medical attention.

@aideen33: Athletes Foot, Jock Itch and Ringworm are all Tinea, they just have different names depending on the location of the body. They aren’t Candida infections but another type of fungal infection and the same creams are used to treat both. :)

Perhaps it would be best to keep the discussion here a general one about Candida without it becoming too personal.

Dusty. :)
All the very best with your health situation, UnXmas ♥

Thanks for the super moderating, DustyKat ♥