Carageenan -what's the truth?

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Apr 29, 2013
St. Louis, MO
I've read convincing information on both sides of the carageenan issue.

One that it's something to be avoided if you have IBD and two that it's over-dramatized.

I'm very confused if I should try to eliminate it from our daughter's diet or not?
I try to avoid it. Regardless of whether it increases inflammation (which it apparently is), it's an addative to food used for the sole purpose of making food sweeter and unhealthier in general. I think people should generally try to avoid food with additives that don't belong in such food staples.
It's simply added as a thickening agent and even if its not as harmful as we suspect here, it certainly is no good. I'm a big proponent of avoiding it when possible.
Everything I have read about it suggests that people with IBD stay away from of it because it aids in disease progression. I did want to say that it is an all natural preservative derived from seaweed. Its in more things that you use or eat everyday than you realize, I think its hard to completely eliminate it from your diet (or your daughters) but consciously changing things in her diet that you know have it would not hurt, whether or not it does harm to a person with IBD
I am sure you have done a lot of research on your own, but here is a wiki article about it
It's really frustrating that Boost and Ensure have carageenan in them. My son was gaining weight with these nutritional drinks but now doesn't want to drink them for fear of making his Crohn's worse.
I have the same issue with Ensure.
I drank 2 a day everyday. Felt no issues.
Being paranoid, I dropped them after reading the frenzy of carrageenan articles.
It is in everything as a thickener pretty much. More so than Guar and Xantham and other gums.
Dont think i felt it affect me. But just stopped all together.
Think I will go back to it again and see if it bothers men
There is an Ensure Clear doesn't have carageenan in the ingredient list. I'm not sure if they taste as good? I was going to try to find these to have for my daughter instead of introducing her to the other flavors that have carageenan.

The other problem that I've found is it is almost all non-dairy milk substitutes like almond milk, soy milk, etc.
I drink the ensure pomegranate clear. Only flavor i can tolerate that i tried.
But the protein is less then the Ensure Plus and the calories are pretty much non existent.
At this point it seems its just protein shakes.
Only I found that people seem to say works best for crohns os AbsorbPlus.
Havent tried it yet.
The Ensure Clear is pretty gross in my opinion. It's only a step up from oral contrast you drink for an MRI or SBFT.

I find it chalky and it leaves a weird aftertaste and chalky like texture.
If you go to a store like GMC or similar you can find powder mixes that would have the same, if not better nutritional value. I have found that if its a powder, it doesnt have carrageenan it. After my surgery i found a protein shake that really kept me on my feet when i didnt feel like eating. Now I'm drinking shakeology from beachbody but its expensive (but worth it in my mind)
i remember researching it and it is derived from seaweed that has been commonly consumed by certain populations through history. i did not find any information that these populations experianced a higher rate of ibd. yet, still there is much good evidence that it can cause intestinal inflammation when administered to rats, im not sure how it is administered or what quantity is sufficient. this is in experimental conditions. whther or not this has any effect or influence on the worsening or development of Crohn's in humans, i have not found nor personally experianced any evidence which strongly suggests this. although i would like to say that about two years before getting crohns i had switched from drinking cows milk to all soy milk and i drank alot.

but it was not until i took amoxicillin that i believe i developed crohn's disease, and there is very good evidence for me to believe that not only in scientific literature, but in my own experiance as well as this is when everything about my body started to change.

id be more worried about antibiotics, but they may actually help improve crohns after you have it already, as now pathogens dominate rather then good bacteria. but id also say avoid carageenan if you can otherwise small exposure to it is most likely safe.
While carrageenan does come from seaweed, it is anything but natural. Read about the production process

Ancient cultures may have used carrageenan but I'm sure it wasn't used in the gross amount it is used today and they didn't eat tons of processed food. The science is clear to me and I believe this substance should be outlawed from our food supply.
It seems that the consensus is to avoid carageenan, if possible.

I've been on the lookout for carageenan in protein drinks and non-dairy substitutes. It is really hard to find both of these w/out the carageenan. SO confusing and frustrating to say the least.
Extremely hard. I really wish Crohn's forum could start an online campaign against carrageenan but we are a support forum and not an activist organization so that probably won't fly.
I was thinking that would be a good site to use. But can you target more than one company? I was thinking the major ones we IBD'ers use like Abbott for Ensure, Boost, Orgain and maybe some others.
the second and third ingredients listed in Ensure are water and sugar. the third is corn syrup. how good for you can it be?
Well the FDA would be a stretch and I think it was previously outlawed but then re-allowed.

I think as consumers demanding change from corporations we are more likely to achieve response. I think if the big guys stop using carrageenan the little guys would follow.
Jennifer & David do you think this is something CF can get behind or would an activist campaign on go beyond our purpose.
There are already multiple petitions out there to try and get rid of carrageenan. Here's one for example that I already signed a couple months ago as the administrator of

Even if you tried going to individual companies (to get it out of medications, supplement drinks, milk substitutes etc) it will still be used in other products like cheese, ice cream, makeup, toothpaste, turkey lunch meat, candy etc. Its in practically everything. I think that if we want it removed from products entirely then the only way to do that will be a ban on it (once again apparently) by the FDA.
I'm not going to involve the site in a fight against Carageenan. Awareness definitely.

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