Carrageenan consipiracy (Meghan Telpner blog)

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Nov 13, 2010
Making a list of GI who aren't bought out by Abbott would be shorter than a list of GI who are. Abbott is the maker of Humira and Ensure.

Ensure also contains maltodextrin.

The thing is, these companies get a lifelong revenue stream and both the GI and the companies set back research.

As far as CCFA, they can get lost, you can not represent the community of IBD while at the same time using speakers from the medical companies writing the papers about safety. There is a fine line that you do not cross, that line has been crossed by CCFA for miles, you do not let doctors who are working as representatives speak about safety of medication, there's a conflict of interest and disregard of ethics. CCFA has publised papers and interviews that are not peer-reviewed, that talk about safety of medication and their interviewie is a doctor that is representing the company.

If you want to talk about safety of medication, you get an independent investigator, you get it peer reviewed by an anonymous and independent group of people and you post any conflict of interest. CCFA publishes stuff and does none of those things, they can get lost. This is a serious disease, and if they can't take this disease serious then don't excpect people from the IBD community to take CCFA serious.
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Here is a good example of the conflict of interest of these organisations:

CCFA published a paper on the safety of TNF-blockers.

The paper is not peer-reviewed, and the person making the claims is Dr. Siegel, a consultant and lecturer funded by Abbott. The fact he is a representative for Abbott is not disclosed.


Now you tell me if that isn't a conflict of interest.
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Kiny , the article Mark reference said the CCFC (Crohn's and Colitis Foundation of Canada) is the CCFA involved as well?
Yes, Abbott is a corporate sponsor of CCFA too, not only that, the board of directors from CCFA is filled with people who work for the pharmaceutical companies.

Here is an article on Reuters about Abbott offering free coffee makers, cookware and vacuum cleaners in exchange for doctors giving drugs to patients in India:

In the West doctors get huge kickbacks from these companies, millions of dollars for speaking fees, trips to concerts, holidays, expensive dinners.

One of my best friends is a retired nurse from a hospital, this is the tip of the iceberg, you do not want to know what amount of money is going to and from doctors that is never registered and how much money is being laundered this way.
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Hello All Hello Kiny

We read your contributions with great interest and attention.

In France, probably in Europe, Clinutren became Resource

Nestlé buys companies, merging them, etc.. a big industrial hodgepodge

Carrageenan is a health problem that we also denounce, as maltodextrin and many others ...

About relations between industries (pharmaceutical, food industries) and "professional health", GI and others from medical system, except a few doctors and independent experts; in France for example, there where a long time, a great laxity about conflict of interest that were not required to be mentioned. Recently it changed, however, whatever when there are conflicts of interest, during GI conferences, GI don't hesitate to verbally declare that they have no conflicts of interests, while we find that they themselves have signed papers with a list of all pharmaceutical and other industries in which they conduct studies that are published, then they sometimes used as a ground for their presentations in congress.

IBD patients wake up around the world there's a lot of clicks! more and more people protest, denounce, but at the same time go constructively for their own health by implementing their own treatment programs, studying what surrounds IBD, especially what's inside, often exceeding the knowledge their own GI. Allopathic medicine system repeat and repeat "diseases of unknown cause", but the cause is not unique, more and more people IBD realize and understand. There is a nasty formatting from the health care system and industry

Continuous diffusion and your research, your analysis and observations Kiny and others, it's useful and necessary for the IBD community, we also do in Francophonie. "The negative side is sometimes a good tool to build and move forward positively, the most important is a positive outcome for all of us"

We are with you on the same path

Big greetings!

(Sorry for the broken English, we can read but speak, write, it's a little less easy, google translation tool is a help for writing)