CD setback last night

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Jan 16, 2012
I just really need to vent right now because I'm so mad at myself. Last night I was eating dinner at my parents' house and they made these little cheese burgers on rye toast. I LOVE these things and always have since I was a child, so they are very hard to resist...even though I know that gluten makes my Chron's flare up and really hurts my belly, I ate some anyway because I'm so sick and tired of avoiding foods that I really want and sick of feeling different from everyone I know. The burgers weren't made of plain beef but of pork sausage and were atop a small piece of rye bread....gluten city.

I got home and was in so much pain, like a level 8. I felt so sick, but the worst part was that i did this to myself. I knew full well what was going to happen to me if I ate it but I did it anyway. I also thought that my CD was getting a little better and that I could maybe start eating what I wanted...clearly I was wrong.

Now, this morning, I am feeling physically better, but mentally I'm feeling horrible about what I did. I feel guilty that I ate that and that I made myself sick.

I just needed to vent!!! Thanks to anyone who reads this for listening to me.
I know exactly how you feel Chunnicutt! Im often testing my Crohn's too. And alot of times Im regretting it. But sometimes you just want to feel normal right? Im currently in a flare and it couldn't be a worst time...Superbowl. Im going to a friend's to watch the game and I know there will be nachos, chicken wings, beer, and all the good stuff I love to eat sometimes. But I know better then to eat those kind of things right now. So now Im thinking I might have to take some "flare friendly" food with me. Lame! I was just diagnosed last year so sometimes I think Im still a bit in denial about it. But there is no denying it when you're in so much pain.
Don't worry, we all have moments when we see food we should'nt really have, my let down are peanuts, sometimes I just get so down about eating bland food that I buy a small packet of nuts, boy do I enjoy them, but the next day is payback time, pain, loss of blood etc, But I do understand why you had the food.
Hope you feel better soon.
yeah bin there done that but it is nice to be "normal" for a couple of hours I imagine we all do it and suffer the consequences, but it seems worth it at the time, hope you recover quickly till next time

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